Chapter Seven: Nightmares

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"Hisashi!" (Y/N) screamed out blithely as she jumped off the cliff. She looked down at the clouds below her and felt the wind whip hair (H/C) hair against her cheeks and around her, ruffling her white dress as she descended.

Then suddenly the clouds parted and a magnificent white dragon flew up, its tail coiling and turning as it raced to pick her. She held her hand out and grabbed onto his two horns as he flew by her. She giggled loudly and hugged his neck as Hisashi raced across the white sky.

"I don't know why you love doing that." Hisashi said.

(Y/N) firmed her legs around Hishashi's neck and threw her hands in the sky, letting the wind curl around her fingers and tousle her hair.

"Because it's fun!"

"Well you've done it four times already, you do know we have to return back to the spirit world don't you?"

"Of course, one last time I swear. We only ever cross once every season, at least let me enjoy it a bit more." The small spirit all but begged her dragon.

Hisashi sighed. "Very well then, I guess you could."

(Y/N) squealed and hugged her dragon's neck. He chuckled, it was a low rumbling sound at the very base of his stomach.

They soared through the sky, making sure to stay hidden behind the clouds. The humans had a war between nations and the last thing either of them wanted was to be seen.

However, as the two lowered to the cliff side, (Y/N) could hear a loud roar that shook the forest, scarring away a flock of birds.

A dragon....

"(Y/N) no." Hisashi said sternly.

"There's only one dragon left in this forest." She said through gritted teeth.

"I won't have it." Hisashi said as (Y/N) got off his back.

She turned to him. He was colossal compared to her, her full frame reached to his flaring nostrils. She had to inch her head up to look into his eyes.

There was a loud broken roar followed by the shouts of man not far from where they stood.

(Y/N) touched the tip of Hisashi's snout, it was warm. "Huang is the last dragon in this forest, and probably the third last dragon in the whole world."

"It is against the Natural Balance to interfere with humans."

"Not entirely for me and you know that. I'll be safe I swear."

"I'm coming with you." Hisashi growled, taking a step forward. The stones under his claws crushed like sand under his massive weight.

"No. You are going back into the Spirit World. I can't ever risk you."

"(Y/N) I'm coming and that's-"

(Y/N) closed her eyes, lowered her head and touched her chest where her token was imbedded in her. The stone she touched with one hand glowed a bright orange and her other one hand was on Hisashi's snout.

There was a burst of light from fingers that ran through her and flowed through the Dragons scales.
She opened her eyes and Hisashi was gone; she had transported him back into the spirit world with her Token. As a Child of the Forest and Hisashi being her Guide, she could dismiss him from the physical realm if she wanted to. He couldn't travel freely from the Spirit World to the Physical World without her, it was almost impossible. It was much too unsafe for Hisashi to be exposed to the humans.

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