Chapter Forty Two: Crossroads

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The pain was unimaginable, the slightest movement hurt, even the air seemed to stab into his skin. The fire burnt half his face but it felt as if his whole body was on fire. He screamed until all he could hear was the sound of his own voice ringing in his ears.

Then he saw a pair of soft (E/C) eye, her features were blurring but a part of him still sane through the melting pain knew who it was. And then he passed out. After he was treated and wrapped up in bandages he was laid to rest in his chamber.

The first thing he felt was the stinging pain from his face. The feeling made him grit his teeth and hiss, there was a constant ringing sound in his head that accompanied the numbing pain.

He could only see from one eye; the other half of his face was dark. He reached up and touched it, only to wince and flinch back from the soft cloth. The pain was a searing throb that seemed to intensify whenever he moved the slightest bit.

Flashes of what happened blurred through his mind, numbing his whole body.; the fire, the pain, and the look of disgust in his fathers’ eyes burned in his head.

Had his father really burnt him?

His eyes glistened and he looked up into the ceiling to stop the tear from falling because he knew it would sting once the tear touched his raw flesh wound.

It hurt more knowing that he wasn’t enough, just as he was those many years ago in the dinning hall when his father said he was lucky to be born. He couldn’t bring himself to understand why his father disliked him so much and dotted on his sister instead.

He felt like a failure, a weak heir undeserving of the throne.

A part of him knew it was because he wasn’t a great bender like his sister, he wasn’t as tough and calculating as her; after all these years he still wasn’t enough.

Ignoring the jolting pain, he tried sitting up when he felt something warm and heavy stir beside his chest.

He leaned back as gently as possible and looked down. His eyes widened.

The small delicate figure of a girl laid by his side, curled up and facing his chest.

Her hair fell across her like a seamless waterfall of ink. Strands swept across her sharp jaw, smaller bangs catching over her lashes.

The light from the torch fire by his bedside shot streams of golden light across her face.
He blinked, unsure how to act.
She had dried tear streaks down her cheeks and her breathing was slow.

Had she been crying?

Without thinking he reached over but the movement stretched the bandage around his neck, sending shots of pain down his spine.

He gasped and clenched his fist; the movement and sound woke (Y/N).

She stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

When her hazy gaze met his he felt his heart clench. Her eyes looked puffy and red rimmed.

As if realizing he was awake and staring back at her she shot up instantly, eyes wide and twinkling.

“Z-Zuko.” She stammered.

He swallowed, noticing the dark circles under her bright eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He said, his voice heavy.

She shook her head, “No don’t be.”

He looked down too ashamed of himself, unable to meet her eyes anymore.

“You have nothing to apologize for, Zuko.” She said gently, voice cracking.

Only he did. He had stepped out of term, ignored her warnings and hurt her for this Agni Kai and he’d lost everything for nothing.

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