Chapter Eight: Chasing Cherry Blossom Petals.

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The next week Azulon would allow her to come out of her chambers every two days but she was always guarded by six soldiers, three on one side and three on the other, and she was only allowed to the palace library and back.

Every third night she would go sit for those dreadful meals with the royal family. She noticed several things during those meals. Iroh had moments of silence where he would glance at the sit next to his, as if someone was meant to be sitting there. Another thing was Ursa, at times she'd black out and look off into the distance, almost wistfully.

Then there was Azulon, Ozai and Azula; they were indeed the same blood. And finally, Zuko, who was kind hearted as Ursa and gentle as Iroh. He stayed quiet during meals and would occasionally glance at (Y/N), and when caught he'd choke on whatever he was eating and quickly look away in embarrassment.

On days she stayed inside, Azulon would send instructors in to teach her the Fire Nation history. She'd just sit down and stare at the walls numbly, letting the voice drone on in an endless slur of words that meant nothing.

It was becoming a schedule now and she grew tired of it. She hated her shoes, she'd much rather run around barefooted. She hated the bleak dark walls that had no light.

She patiently awaited Iroh, she had faith that he'd see his promise through. He would free her. All she had to do was play by Azulon's rules and be a good 'Little Dragon'.

She shuddered at the nickname given to her by Azula. It seemed everyone who despises her uses it.

Suddenly the door to her chambers opened and she snapped her gaze to the door from where she sat by the hearth.

Zuko peeped his head in and grinned shyly.

"Umm hey."

She tilted her head. "Hey."

He cleared his throat and walked in.

"Sorry I was meaning to come last week and before that but I had lessons with my sword instructor." He explained sheepishly.

She chuckled. "You don't have to explain yourself. You don't owe me that y'know."

He nodded and scratched the back of his head shyly. "I know, I uhh I wanted to."

(Y/N) smiled.

"So I was thinking we could go out around the castle and I'll show you around. Not sure if anyone has done that yet."

(Y/N)'s smile faded a bit. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed outside."

Iroh walked in behind Zuko and beamed her a bright smile.

"Yes, you are. Azulon has allowed for Zuko to show you around the castle." He informed her.

Since Zuko and her were roughly the same age it was Azulon's idea to have Zuko befriend her and make her feel more at home. But no one told Zuko that of course, he was just told he could show her around and make her feel more comfortable.

(Y/N) sighed. "Not sure it'll be all that fun if I'm surrounded by guards."

"Actually it will just be me and Admiral Enzo tailing you both."

The thought of Admiral Enzo gave her chills; he didn't scare her the least but the thought that she had permanently scarred him left her feeling horrid.

She agreed and Zuko's eyes lit up like the night sky.

They met Enzo at the door. His burnt arm seemed to have healed because there was no bandage wrapping anymore. He leered down at her.

"Make one move and I will not hesitate to burn you." He hissed.

(Y/N) glared up at him but said nothing.

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