Chapter Twenty One: Red Cloak

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This chapter is dedicated to Dewspirit👑❤️


The next day they prepared to leave on two large ships. One was for Hisashi, the other for Scylla. Of course they could fly but Hisashi was mad at Scylla and refused to fly so here they were, with two large Fire Nation cruisers heading to the nation's Capital.

It took them three days to get there and Fang looked like he was bringing home two ships of gold for the Fire Lord. He was brimming with smug pride.

They finally arrived a day earlier than expected because Fang overworked the crew to get there as fast as possible.

Scylla stared at the royal palace as it loomed overhead, towering over all the buildings surrounding it. It was a place she had little to no memory of with a look of skepticism on her angelic features.

"Welcome home Dragoness." Fang said from beside her, like a father welcoming home a long lost child.

She ignored him and pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and jumped off the side of the ship. She landed with a light thud and looked around. Everything looked just as it did before, with the exception of a line of new battalions all across the harbor; it was a busy day.

There were Fire Nation banners all across the harbor with soldiers stationed on watch towers overlooking the bustling scenery. They really were prepared for war, she noted silently.

"Can't you just use the sidewalk like a normal person?" Fang deep gravel voice caught her attention as he walked down beside her.

"Where's the fun in that?" She said in a monotone.

A few guards and a palace attendant walked over to them. They welcomed them both cordially and ushered them into the palace gates, informing them that the Fire Lord had cancelled everything in his schedule upon hearing the news that they arrived a day earlier.

The attendee's eyes darted to Scylla every now and then with curiosity but she was wearing a long red cloak with golden embroidery along the edges and a long hood that coverer her entire body. She was quite the mysterious figure and he wandered who she was for the Fire Lord to cancel war meetings to meet.

They walked along the palace hallway towards the Throne Room. Scylla paid no mind at all, not listening to Fang and the attendant drone on about nonsense and war statistics. She let their voices sink into a backdrop.

Zuko walked next to his Uncle Iroh, who was lecturing him about what to expect in a war room since he'd be allowing him to join in a couple of weeks and he didn't want his nephew to speak out of term.

The young noble girls in the courtyard giggled and blushed as he walked by but the young prince barley even noticed, too busy listening carefully to his uncle, although he doubted he'd ever speak out of term.

He had his dark hair tied back. He was now the same height as Iroh with broad shoulders and sharp features. He was the crowned prince and the gnawing crush of all the girls in the Fire Nation.

Iroh suddenly stopped talking as he came to a pause at an intersection. Zuko followed his line of sight and saw a party walking towards them. They stopped as well and the attendee bowed at the two.

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