Chapter Thirteen: No Warning.

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This chapter is dedicated to Httydlover19
Thank you guys for reading, hope you enjoy this chapter 😍❤️

Zuko's History teacher, Lei Wang, was lecturing him about the root of fire bending. Lei Wang was a substitute teacher and had been so for three weeks. He was fun and less strict compared to all of Zuko's other teachers. Although he was Zuko's favorite teacher he couldn't help but blank out. He tried his best to pay attention through the two hour lesson. It was the last one of the day.

Azula being the overachiever that she was, had already passed this topic and was free to go play with Ty Lee and Mai whose parents had come to the palace for an official meeting with all the other prominent figures in the Fire Nation.

He was droning out when Lei said something that grabbed his attention;

"-this was made possible through Dragons, and as legend goes they were guided by the first benders but of course those are just myths. Factually our ancestors saw how the dragons were with fire and they reciprocated that. Now here we have-" He carried a heavy stack of scrolls and dropped them on the table in front of Zuko. "-Your homework. Read through these and next week tell me from your point of view what you think about dragons and how they are now used to show one's power."

Zuko stared at what looked like fifteen scrolls and slumped in his seat.

"Cheer up buddy," Lei chuckled, "They're mostly light illustrations of dragons over the years since Sozin's Comet."

"Do I have to read them all?" Zuko complained.

Lei grabbed the scroll he was reading from and ruffled Zuko's hair. "Yes, you have to."

He paused on his way out.

"The fate of the world might just depend on it." He said in a low grave voice.

Zuko's lip tilted up in amusement as he shook his head. "Not funny."

"Have fun Prince Zuko." He said cheerfully on his way out.

"I'll try to." Zuko said.

The door slid shut as Lei left the study quarters. Zuko reached over to skim through the scrolls and read at least the light ones before going to check on (Y/N).

Almost all of them were factual descriptions on dragons, sightings, proverbs on dragons, facts about dragons, where to find them and finally the last one. He stared down at the last scroll curiously. Out of all the other scrolls this one was kept in a dark wooden scroll holder that felt like iron. There were encryptions on the head and tail but he couldn't quite understand what they were; they weren't in Chinese characters but symbols. One looked like a flames, the other looked like yin and yang, there was even a circle of all the elemental symbols and the rest he couldn't quite place.

He opened the cap with a little more struggle than he thought he would need and pulled out a scroll. The texture was different from all the previous scrolls he had felt. It was hard, grainy and thick. The edges were crumbled and tattered. When he pulled his hand from the rolled scroll it was layered with dust.

"Great, an ancient scroll that probably has heavy history." His finger lightly tapped the edges of the scroll to open.

Finally he sighed and shook his head. "Pass."

He placed the rolled scroll back into its holder without even checking the content and decided he'd had enough of school for the rest of the day.

He gathered all the scrolls and dumped them in one of the empty vases, however he pulled aside the pretty scroll and placed it in his collection of scrolls, maybe he'd read it later on.

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