Chapter Twenty Nine: Bloody Fists and Pretty Lies

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I went a bit crazy here and wrote two chapters in one sitting. Lol I'm gonna go to bed now.

This chapter is dedicated to EliBerk5 here's that update you asked for, sorry it took a week😭

TryxiePyxie I hope you enjoy this chapter too✨️👑


Scylla felt heat rush through her veins, setting her whole body on fire; she was itching for a fight and these poor second rate kidnappers were giving her exactly what she yearned for.

The two of them lunged towards her and she inched forward to jump up when suddenly the door smashed open. The shattered splitters and shards exploded around the room.

Everyone turned to the shattered doorway; the door hung from its hinges and at the center was a tall, lean man clad in black armor wearing a tactical mask.

“What happened?” Zuko asked, wriggling in his rope. All he heard was the earsplitting sound and then heavy boots.

“Stop moving so much dummy you’ll crinkle my clothes.” Azula fired.

“Seriously Azula?! Right now that’s your concern?!”

Scylla narrowed her eyes at her subordinate. “Took you long enough, Darius.”

Darius bowed.

“Leave the leader for me.” She commanded.

One of the thugs stepped forward, scratching his chin as he gave the masculine intruder a bored once over.

“Who the hell are-”

He suddenly stopped midsentence, finding himself choking on warm metallic liquid as the intruder flashed by him. He spat and looked down; it was blood. There was a searing pain in his neck and he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t utter a sound.

His eyes widened. Blood spurted from his neck like a punctured tank. A body thumped down lifelessly next to him; Kai.

Releasing a strangled cry he collapsed in a pool of his own blood and as his vision blurred the last thing he saw was his so called leader fleeing out through the open doorway.

Scylla was the first to be untied. She wasted no time while Darius was untying Zuko and Azula to run after the leader.

“Scylla wait!” Zuko called after her but she was already out the door.

She could feel his foul energy and his scent was heavy in her nostrils. She tailed him through the thicket of trees.

The setting sun against the bronze colored sky alerted her that it was getting late. They must have been knocked out for hours. She clenched her jaws, if she hadn’t let her guard down then they wouldn’t have been kidnapped in the first place.

She’d make an example of him, she thought as a smirk curled at her lips.

“You can run all you want, human.” She called out gleefully. “I’ll catch you.”

The man ran through the trees, panting and shaking as he ran for his life. For such a young lady she was relentless, hot on his tail the moment she ran out of that house like a bull chasing red. She was like a fierce dra-

Oh no.


He thought it was too good to be true when a hooded figure approached him and said something about kidnapping three kids. He thought it would be easy, knock them senseless and get extra cash from their rich parents. All that was asked was to kidnap them, something about scaring some sense into them.

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