Chapter Twenty Three: Doppelganger

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Dedicated to AL3NTIN3 ❤️👑


"Come on we'll be late." Zuko grabbed her hand.

She looked down at his hand on her arm and her cheeks flushed red.

"W-what are you-" Before she even finished her sentence he dashed down the hallway with her.

"Prince Zuko!" The guards called out.

(Y/N) squealed in joy and laughed blithely, pulled by his hand as they ran down the hallway past the guards. He glanced back to check on the guards behind them while they were running and smiled when he saw how ecstatic and wild her glimmering (E/C) orbs were. She looked euphoric as they raced down the hall dodging servants, officials and anyone in the way with the guards hot on their tail.

That was the happiest he had ever been; with her.

It didn’t matter that everyone was surrounding her, Zuko pushed through the crowd until he finally reached her.

“(Y/N)?” He breathed.

She froze. Everyone around her turned to the voice and found that it was the Prince so they bowed and left the two alone.

Zuko straightened to his height and quickly smoothed out his vest.

“(Y/N).” He said louder, more composed now. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

Is it really you?

She finally turned and Zuko’s racing heart stopped. She had the same features, the same (E/C) eyes and the same (H/C) hair, but it was shorter and tied up with strands framing her rosy sculptured cheeks. Their eyes met and she tilted her head as she stared up at him, curiosity flashing in her orbs when her eyes caught sight of the royal clip on his head.

Zuko staggered back as if someone had knocked all the air from his lungs. It was actually her.

“I-I thought you-”

“Scylla.” She corrected. Although her features were soft and gentle, her tone held a certain edge to it; like a double edged sword.

Zuko blinked. “What?”

“My name,” she said, “It’s Scylla.”

“Oh,” Zuko couldn’t hide the confused and slightly crestfallen look on his face even if he tried to.

She looked just like (Y/N); it was like a copy and paste. It couldn't be anyone else.

“You must be Prince Zuko.” She acknowledged.

A look of hurt flashed in his dark brown eyes. “Yes I am. You really don't remember me?"

She gazed up at him past her lashes chuckled elegantly.

"I would never forget meeting you Prince Zuko, this would be the first time we've met."

He sucked in air. "It’s just that you look exactly like someone I once knew.”

She smiled gently. “Well, sorry to disappoint you.”

He blinked softly, looking somewhat disappointed.

“Not at all. I apologize for the confusion.” Zuko bowed.

There was a stretch of silence when their eyes met again. The soft glow from the dazzling chandelier lit her face and his breathe hitched. She was right. This wasn’t (Y/N). There was something different about her eyes.

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