Chapter Twenty Eight: Watermelon Sabotage.

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Here is the second update today as promised🥳❤️

This chapter is dedicated to TaraNiava 👑


The adventure into the city around the Palace started out simple enough. They had all left their official head pieces at the palace to hide their identity they were still set apart from the crowd of passerby's

Everywhere they went people kept glancing over and looking at them, although it didn't seem to bother the three of them. They walked around the town, checking pawn shops and buying snacks by the market.

Although there were mostly nobles and rich Fire Nation citizens around these parts they stuck out like a sore thumb.

Zuko with his tall stature, warm hazel brown eyes and sharp jaw seemed to pull in groups of girls wherever they went.

Azula's sharp glare unnerved anyone that looked at her wrong.

As for Scylla she was aloof and completely unaware of the affect she had on those around her, which left Zuko in a constant state of irritation at whoever looked at her for too long. It mystified him why it bothered him when someone stared at her for longer than necessary; he felt the urge to punch them in their smug pretty faces.

Zuko would use every little opportunity he had to break through her façade. He tried the same jokes they always share, when they went to a market he bought (favorite desert) for her and she declined it. Every attempt met its match until finally they had one last stop before heading back to the palace; the fruit market.

When they stopped by the market for some fruits he bought an orange, Scylla bought wild red berries and Azula was questioning the watermelon seller whether he was aware that his watermelons were not fully ripe and they brought shame to the entire nation by selling these disgraceful watermelons.

"It's not like you even know the difference girly." The seller said haughtily.

"I could tell the difference between these watermelons and a hundred others." Azula retorted, and stabbed her pointer at them. "These aren't ripe."

"Well why don't you buy them and see for yourself!"

"There's no way I'm buying this unripe garbage!"

"These watermelons were served for the Fire Nation's beloved Princess herself at one point!"

"My great grandfather Sozin will turn in his grave before I ever eat this!"

This dragged on for a few more minutes. It was quite a sight seeing a twelve year old girl argue with an old vendor about the quality of watermelons and how it affected the Fire Nations foreign policy.

Finally Scylla had finished her berries and turned her attention to the growing conflict.

"I should put this man down for speaking against Princess Azula," Scylla walked towards the scene when Zuko stopped her.

"Trust me, even then it wouldn't end the argument." Zuko said, watching the crowd grow as they watched the two bicker.

Scylla watched them with boredom etched on her face. "If it escalates the unripe watermelons will be the least of his problems."

"Hey wanna know a fun fact?" Zuko chirped from beside Scylla.

She watched a couple of guards in the distance look in the direction of the feud. They began approaching.

"Sure." She replied.

"You can't smile without your tongue touching the roof of your mouth."

Scylla furrowed her eyebrows and smiled. Her tongue could touch the roof of her mouth.

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