Chapter Ten: Unicorns

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"Shoulders back," Lo ordered, slamming a slim stick against (Y/N)'s back, causing her to yelp and straighten her slouching back.

"Head high." Li tilted (Y/N)'s chin up sharply.

(Y/N) had never felt more uncomfortable in her entire existence. Out of all the other Fire Nation people the Fire Lord had ordered to teach her the Fire Nation way the twins Lo and Li were her favorite. Of course they were both blunt and precise but there was a certain air of familiarity around them.

The Twin Advisors were non benders but they were both her instructors for bending, which was a great feat in itself. They were also given the task of teaching her adequate behavior and as annoyed as (Y/N) was about this whole ordeal she somehow respected the two too much to speak out of term.

They were in the Palace Private Royal Library's balcony. (Y/N) sat at the center with a table placed in front of her with a teacup and kettle overlooking the courtyard and Palace gates. Lo and Li circled her, correcting her movements where wrong and intervening when she picked the teacup in a rough manner.

She'd received so many slaps with that stick on her back for slouching that her back was starting to sting and throb.

(Y/N) reached over and gently took the kettle in her hand delicately, silently wincing and waiting for the sting from one of the twin's sticks. She quietly sighed in relief when there was just the resounding sound of the wind stirring the leaves by the palace courtyard.

She poured the water in and made sure not a single drop fell out of place.

"Think of a lady as a fire. You want a warm steady flame that delicately dances with the wind much like your Dragon Dance. One that becomes grace and warmth, one that brings life and steadiness-" Lo said.

"-not a raging fire that blindly destroys everything in its path, one that knows no grace and balance. One that does not know its boundaries is lost to humanity, Young Dragon." Li completed.

(Y/N) stopped herself from asking if they both rehearsed these wise expressions beforehand or if they just wing it and hope the other is on the same wise boat. Instead she gently picked the cup up and made sure her back was straight. She looked out at the view, at the courtyard and her eyes zeroed in on Zuko.

He was running around chasing Azula who had a piece of paper in her hand. Feeling eyes on him, Zuko looked around. Finally he looked up and saw (Y/N). His face lit up like the sun as he quickly waved while chasing his sister.

(Y/N) struggled not to wave back ecstatically for fear of getting slapped by two perfectionists with sticks. She took a sip of her tea delicately.

Azula ran through a couple officials and they gasped as they jumped out of the way to avoid colliding with the young prince as he barreled down after his sister.

Zuko turned again to the balcony to see if she were still looking; when he found that she was he grinned widely and waved again. (Y/N) stifled a smile as she watched him run around in envy, how she wished she could go out and run and play.

He was looking at her and not watching the tree he was running straight into until he collided into it with such force the tree shudders and lost leaves.

(Y/N) couldn't hold it in. She spit the tea out and burst out laughing. Lo and Li wasted no time in slamming their sticks against her forehead so hard she could feel it throbbing like a pulsating heartbeat on her forehead.

"Owwy!" She exclaimed rubbing her throbbing red forehead.

"Again!" They both snapped.

"Damn humans are so picky." She muttered miserably and straightened her posture again.

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