Chapter Twenty Four: Barefoot

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This chapter is dedicated to jadedinside ❤️👑


“Something’s off.” Zuko grumbled as he barged into Azula’s room, his boots heavy on the tiled floor.

Azula ignored her brother and continued writing on her parchment by her table. Her hand moved effortlessly, slathering dark ink onto the thick scroll in smooth thin, delicate lines.

“You're right I don't usually have 'annoying brother' on my schedule until later in the afternoon so get out I have homework.”

“You saw her I know you did, tell me it’s not her.” Zuko pressed, pacing her room.

“It’s not her.” Azula echoed, dipping the tip of her brush into a small silver pot of ink.

“But it is. Same face. Same hair color. Almost same smile and,” he stopped pacing for a moment, “the same eyes.” He breathed.

“I could honestly care less. Leave me alone.” The young Fire Princess crabbed.

“It’s (Y/N) I’m willing to bet my life on it.” Zuko continued, ignoring Azula’s response.

Azula finished the last slash of her writing and placed her brush aside. She finally turned to her brother who looked sleep deprived with dark circles under his eyes. He looked like he didn’t even sleep a wink the night before.

She sighed, with the wild look in his eyes she doubted that he’d leave her alone at all until he got some answers.

“You sound crazy. She might look like her but she’s the exact opposite of (Y/N). There’s no way that’s her.”

Zuko shot her a glare. “You didn’t know her like I did.”

Azula shrugged carelessly, “Maybe she’s (Y/N)’s doppelganger.”

Her brother did not look convinced. “A mysterious girl, roughly our age, with no historical combat or war experience and she’s given the title Dragoness? Really?”

Azula pinched the bridge of her regal nose in annoyance, muttering, “This is too dumb for me to care about.”

Zuko stopped his endless pacing by the window and glared out with conviction in his brown eyes. His gaze trailed out the window that overlooked the east side of the royal garden. A stone pathway snaked around the garden, interwoven with grass blades shooting out from between the white slabs.

A figure stepped into view; his uncle.

He trudged onto the stone slabs, his smile so wide Zuko could see it from Azula’s window. He turned and was about to return to his ranting when someone else stepped onto the pathway next to his uncle.


She had her hair up into a braided bun, loose strands falling across her face. She wore a long sleeved red top that ended around her waist met by paler red trousers that sank into heavy combat boots.

Azula walked over, wondering what caught his attention to make him go dead quiet like that.

“What's she doing with Uncle?" Azula eyed the two suspiciously.

Zuko didn't respond, he oddly felt his palms sweaty. He ignored it and craned his neck to get a better look since they were walking scarcely out of his view.

(Y/N) stopped walking and stared off to the west side of the garden where the pond was.

Iroh said something and she turned, nodding. They continued their walk to the fountain in what looked like a private conversation.

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