Chapter Twenty Seven: Incendiary

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This chapter is dedicated to @xxLadyImperfectxx 👑

The next update should be later tonight so keep an eye out for that❤️
Enjoy, thank you for reading🥰


What do you mean it’s missing?’ Hisashi growled, releasing heavy fumes through his nostrils.

“I was told after dinner. One of those soldiers assigned to me followed the White Lotus’ tip and it turned out dry. There was no dagger, just an empty box.” Scylla replied dully. “I wonder where that pathetic old man hid it before he died.”

She was sitting over the balcony ledge, letting her feet dangle over the edge as she watched the crescent shaped moon half hidden by heavy clouds.

‘And you trust those pesky little Fire Nation soldiers not to steal from you?’ Hisashi asked, stretching to his height on the roof.

Scylla turned to glare up at Hisashi. “They’re called The Unburnt and they were given to me by the Fire Lord himself, all fourteen of them, I will not have you doubt their loyalty. Besides I gave them two simple tasks; find the dagger and watch the White Lotus. Half of them have already been scattered around the world watching those old geezers, the other half is looking for the dagger. They have no reason to betray me and as far as I know humans don’t know the significance of my Token.”

‘The White Lotus might have a clue.’ Hisashi pointed out.

“Maybe their intel was wrong about the location of the dagger, they have no reason to lie to me. I’ve already sent an owl to Iroh.” She stood up and balanced herself perfectly on the edge. “Either way I will find it and they will help me.”

And if they don’t?’

She inched to the edge and watched her right leg dangle over nothing. Below her was a seven floor drop. She smirked, relishing the exciting feeling of uncertainty and danger; if she leaned a bit forward she’d fall straight off.

Ever since she came back there had been nothing thrilling, just boring war meetings and official document signings. She craved any form of excitement; her belligerent nature was wasted on tea parties and meetings.

“Then I’ll start looking myself, and I’m sure the White Lotus knows it won’t be pretty.”

____<3 Next Day <3_____

Zuko was pacing back and forth by the entrance of the castle waiting for Scylla. Azula sat patiently in a chair, a servant was holding a makeshift tent over her to head and another one was holding a cool drink close to her as she sipped through the straw. 

Azula watched her brother pace. “Relax will you? She’ll be here soon she has a war meeting to attend.”

“I know that.” Zuko said, still pacing.

“Why do you look so nervous?” Azula prodded.

A servant walked over to her and bowed with a tray of fruits. She took a grape and swayed the rest of the tray away.

“It’s nothing.” Zuko replied almost defensively.

Azula smirked. “I’m sure it is.”

Zuko glared at her. He still was suspicious of her motive in all this.         

“I know you have something under your sleeve.”

“Certainly not brother, my intentions are pure.” Azula said innocently.

“The only thing pure about-”

“Sorry to keep you both waiting, my Prince and Princess.” A smooth voice said from the entrance.

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