Chapter Twenty Two: Debute

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This chapter is dedicated to Yukino_Rin ❤️👑


Scylla stared at her reflection in the gold plated oval mirror before her. The girl in the mirror stared back with a pair of (E/C) mat eyes. She tilted her head as strands of her shoulder length (H/C) bangs fell against her rosy cheeks. Her hair was tied up with two braids running on either sides of her hair with two long bangs framing her face. Her bun was held by a Fire Nation band. The servants had dressed her in a lustrous red and gold dress, one that clung to her waist and accentuated her hips as it flowed down to the floor. The sleeves of the red dress were embroidered with golden swirling designs and sharpened towards her wrist.

The clothing felt so soft and gentle she felt like she was barely wearing anything.

It was a party to celebrate the defeat of the last water bender in the South Pole and all the higher officials and high ranking war ministers, generals, colonels and honored guests were present.

The Fire Lord had informed her that this was also the event she'd be introduced to the elite hierarchy of the Fire Nation. In a way, this was her debut.

She tilted her lips up to mimic a smile and frowned immediately afterwards. It looked more like a cringe than it was a smile. She couldn't remember the last time she smiled.

Again she took a deep breath and tilted her lips up. Much better, although it could use some work. If she practiced on Hisashi he'd burn her ghastly attempt with sarcasm.

Hisashi had been close to mute since they got back. She could feel him simmering in annoyance at just being here. He was kept at the underground bunkers near the Fire Nation palace. He was free to go wherever he pleased but he seemed to prefer the caves. He also seemed to prefer giving her the cold shoulders.

The appearance of a servant informing her that it was time to go knocked her train of thoughts. She nodded and turned.

The servant was a young girl a few years older than her in human years. She was staring at the floor with her head lowered.

"Would you mind me asking for a favor?" Scylla asked.

The girl shook her head vigorously. "Of course not. I am here to serve you."

"Could you look at me?"

It took the girl a few seconds to process the request before she finally straightened to her back and looked at Scylla. Her eyes widened slightly upon looking at Scylla fully.

"This might be a strange request but could you tell if my smile is alright? And if you're lying I'll know so be truthful."

The girl nodded. "Of course."

Scylla tilted her lips up and attempted the smile she had managed a few minutes ago at her.

The girl blushed furiously and averted her gaze. "Y-Your smile is perfect."

Scylla turned to the mirror and saw the girl in her reflection smiling back gracefully, yet the smile never quite reached her eyes.

The servant then led her out and she silently followed behind.

The hall the function was being held in was lit with high ceiling torches. The well-lit crystal chandelier in the center of the room illuminated it in a soft glow.

The Fire Lord behind the wall of flames. Everyone was dressed in their finest garments and the hushed chitter chatter of the guests barely rose above the gentle music being played the orchestra.

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