Chapter Twelve: The Standoff

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A/N: Hello beautiful soul *inserts heart emoji*
I forgot I was writing this because I really don't think anyone is reading this fanfiction but if you are, expect more updates from now on out.
Special dedication to TryxiePyxie who is literally the only person following this story rn. I promise more updates I swear.

(Y/N) stared into her dragon's eyes and smiled. The opaque button eyes glimmered back, reflecting the flickering light from the fireplace she sat next to. She finally had something that was hers, not the fire nations or the fire lords but hers.

Heavy footsteps outside of her room alerted her that numerous people were approaching, and fast. She abruptly stood up and tossed her doll to the side of the bed where the light didn't reach, unable to think of a better place to hide it within such a short window of opportunity.

She stared at the parted door, wondering who it was. The Fire Lord? General Enzo? Who could it be-

"There she is." Azula called out as she strutted in like a prominent general entering a battle room. It would have been adorable if (Y/N) wasn't aware of how utterly malicious she was.

Azula wore a simple red and black outfit with her hair tied up and held by a fire nation hair clip that was her family heirloom.

Next to her leaning against the wall was a 10 year old pale girl with bangs that drooped over dark eyes that held a blank stare of indifference. Her posture was straight and elegant even as she leaned against the doorframe with folded arms.

She sighed. "You're telling me this is the most feared person in the Fire Nation right now?"

Azula shrugged. "Rumors might have been a bit over exaggerated."

(Y/N)'s interest was piqued; what rumors? Most feared person? Before she could even linger on these thoughts an 8 year old girl in a light pink attire cartwheeled into the threshold, squealing as she landed effortlessly in the center of the room. It wasn't the landing that made her squeal but rather it was seeing (Y/N).

"This is Ty Lee and that," she motioned to the dark haired girl who didn't seem to even care, "-is Mai."

"She's beautiful!" Ty Lee exclaimed, her eyes twinkling in awe. She had a round face and big brown eyes that made her features look soft and angelic.

The young girl clad in pink leaped towards (Y/N) who stumbled back uncertain how to react as the adorable girl gushed about how pretty she was.

She smiled awkwardly. "Thanks?"

"Could I braid your hair? I could even put daisies inside you'd look so beautiful!" Ty Lee said ecstatically. "Not that you aren't already-"

"Ty Lee stop it you're making her uncomfortable." Azula ordered.

Ty Lee, like a pet whose chains had been yanked, quickly pulled back almost instantly and chuckled sheepishly at Azula.

(Y/N) instantly knew that even in this little friendship group, it was obvious Azula was the leader.

Azula stepped forward. "Come play with us we're one man short and Zuzu has a lesson."

Since (Y/N) had been there for three weeks, and she had behaved and made no attempt to escape the Fire Lord loosened his reigns, allowing her to go to the garden whenever she wanted with Zuko or Ursa as long as she was heavily guarded. Usually she'd go play tag or just talk about random things and watch the clouds drift with Zuko, who was the closest friend she'd ever come to know. However she'd never been approached by Azula before this day.

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