Chapter Thirty Five; Reunion With The Bell

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This chapter is dedicated to ImaHumanNOT9

Apologies with one of the previous chapter, I'm not sure how many readers read "Mia" instead of (Y/N) lol I use the name "Mia" as a placeholder in the first draft and then change it to (Y/N) after in the final draft so I'm sorry if anyone found it confusing. I had to unpublish and republish for the second draft to load.

Aight enjoy❤️

For all those wondering when the time skip will happen, it will happen in Chapter 40🤞🏽❤️


The journey back to the Fire Nations Capital was painfully silent. The only sound that resounded was the whipping wind as Hisashi soared across the sky.

(Y/N) loved flying through the sky. She loved the feeling of the wind against her face and the sight of clouds spreading across the sky as they flew through them. The world seemed endless up there, islands below seemed miniscule. But this time she just wanted to get back to the Palace as fast as possible. Zuko sat behind her. Every now and then she’d look over her shoulder to check on him and he’d be staring off into the clouds, an expressionless look on his face. His usual warm hazel eyes were dull under strands of his long hair.

There was an unspoken tension between them now.

He couldn’t even look at her.

She sighed and turned back around. Hisashi wasn’t making the situation any easier, he was flying painstakingly slow.

(Y/N) used the time to backtrack and think about what had happened to her. She had Yielded and she’d be stuck here until the death of the Fire Lord.

That wasn’t the problem; the prevalent issue here was her still missing dagger. Had Azulon hated her so much he’d hide it from humanity so she wouldn’t find it? That wasn’t possible.

She couldn’t remember ever not having it. When she came into existence it was there, something drew her to that blade and she knew she had to protect it with her life.

Just as she woke up to the sight of Hisashi, so was the blade. It was important, that much she was aware. It wasn’t just a Token, she could feel energy radiating through the stone on its hilt; an energy that seemed almost celestial.

As the sky darkened she could spot the island Capital below. After what felt like forever, they had finally arrived.

Hisashi landed in front of the palace gates as roughly as he could, claws digging into the cement under his weight. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, knowing he was making an obvious statement with that action.

The Fire Nation soldiers guarding the gate rushed towards the white dragon to welcome the two. Hisashi lowered his head so Zuko and (Y/N) could jump off. When the soldiers tried to come closer he growled lowly at them. His nostrils flared and they staggered back, shields placed before them. Knowing the only dragon in their battalion had a flaring temper.

“Prince Zuko! Lady Scylla!” They called, keeping their distance from the steaming dragon.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you! The Fire Lord-” A soldier rambled on as Zuko jumped off first.

“Zuko-“ (Y/N) bit her lip hard to stop herself but he heard her voice and stopped.

Several servants raced to his side, each holding several platters of objects; from a jar of water, to fruits and fresh clothing. He reached for his royal head pin, the one he left at the palace when they left a day ago.

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