Chapter Thirty One: Wildflowers and Daisy Chains

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This chapter is dedicatedto @TatoTheDestroyer

Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter


Scylla woke up in a forest. It was unlike any she’d seen before; the trees were tall, disappearing into the thick clouds, below her fog clung to the forest flooring in thick white fumes, reaching the ankle of her boots.

There wasn’t much to see, just clusters of tree stretching as far as her sight could allow her to see.

The air smelt musky and thick, unlike in the capital where the lingering scent of sulfur and iron remained.

She looked around, wondering if there was anyone in this dense forest.

“Hello?” Her voice echoed through the trees.

She furrowed her eyebrows in intrigue. It sounded as if she were in a well. Odd.

Then she suddenly caught a flash of white in her peripheral. She turned to see what it was but it disappeared behind a line of trees; the white hem of a dress.

“Hey!” She called out.

Then she heard a childish giggle as the flash of white blurred past the trees.

“Wait!” Scylla called out.

Scylla dashed after it, feeling an almost magnetic pull to this strange figure. She chased it through the trees until they broke off into a clearing of wildflowers. The sky here was clear and azure. The endless stretch of wildflowers flowed and danced to the silent wind, scattering soft colorful leaves across the field.

Without the large trees preventing her to see clearly she saw that it was a small child, around ten years old. The little girl ran gleefully arms spread out blithely as she laughed, long (H/C) hair flowing behind her small figure; she looked euphoric, almost like a happy dream.

Then she suddenly stopped running and turned.

Scylla slowed down at a halt in front of the little girl.

“Your boots look pretty heavy, surprised you actually caught up.” The girl chirped.

But the chase wasn’t what was on Scylla’s mind at all; it was the girl the fact that the little girl looked just like her.

She furrowed her eyebrows. “Who are you?”

Here her voice did not echo in that strange way it did before in the forest, instead it sounded like a hazy slur.

The little girl laughed, “I’m you silly.”

“No you’re not.” Scylla said.

The girl smiled at her as if she knew a secret Scylla did not; there was a certain glimmer of kindness and love in her eyes that eluded Scylla. There was no way this little girl was her.

The little girl bent over and picked a handful of flowers. Scylla watched her with a blank expression on her face.

“Come on, pick some.” The girl urged her, picking a handful herself.

“I don’t like flowers.” Scylla said in a monotone.

The girl smiled gently up at her, “That’s alright, could you pick some for me then?”

Usually by now Scylla would be bored and walk away from whatever weird dream experience this was but there was something about the little girl’s glimmering (E/C) eyes and soft smile. This kid could stop wars.

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