Chapter Fourteen: Animosity

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There's some beautiful soul that'll soon transcend into heaven if they don't stop copying and pasting this book on NovelWW everytime I update. I'm asking nicely. Could you stawpp? I have put alot of effort into this book. If you don't want to do that then could you DM me so we can talk it out and find a way to keep the story there if you want. Thank you.

✨by Management✨

This chapter is dedicated to ReallyGayAF for letting me know about the copied book on NovelWW❤️👑

Aaaand without further blah blah blah from me, enjoy the chapter!😍


On Crescent Island the half-moon beamed down on a massive building at the center of the island, known as the Fire Temple. The dominant colors of red and yellow glimmered in the moonlight, the black walls sinking into the dark of night. The red roof tiles were protruding up, designed like the spines of a dragons tail; this was the Avatar's Temple, it was where Avatar Roku spent most of his youthful years.

Among the fire nation, this place was the one territory Azulon respected and wouldn't overrule. The sound of waves crashing against the shoreline could be heard from the top balcony where the Fire Lord stood.

The sound of shuffling behind him caught his attention. He tilted his head, still facing the ocean.

"This must be important for me to have to travel all this way personally."

"I'm afraid it is, Fire Lord Azulon." The Elder Sage responded. The gentle yet decrepit voice of the Elder Sage sounded foreboding.

"What is it then?"

The old hunched over Sage slowly walked up until he was beside Azulon. The wrinkles on his skin sagged, heavy with age. The orange glow from the two torches perched by the entrance of the balcony cast long shadows across his moon-like orbs; it didn't take a genius to figure out that he was dying.

"What I am telling you now must not be found in text ever. That is why I requested your presence in the Temple."

He paused, as if to catch his breath.

"It's about the child isn't it?" Azulon inquired, knowing fully well it was.

"We do not temper with what is beyond our control."

Azulon's gaze hardened. "If you're concerned about her, she's perfectly safe and taken care of, albeit against her will but she'll grow into it."

"Do you know of the myth surrounding her, and those that share the likeliness of her?"

"If you're going to tell me to return her to the Spirit World I refuse. I'll do whatever it takes to win this war and finish what my father started. The world will not stop turning if just one of them is captured. Far worse atrocities have been done to spirits as to mankind."

"That they were spirits first before they gave up their immortality to help mankind bend." The old man continued despite Azulon's bitter response, his glazed eyes reflecting the moon looming in the distance. "My grandfather told me stories of the ritual dances they did. About how they were respected and worshipped, even. They are sacred relics of the past; a dark past humanity has forgotten. They did what was necessary to maintain the balance in the human and spirit world. Very little is known about them and there is a reason for that Fire Lord."

Azulon's jaw flexed. "Very little is known because no one dares to touch them. I did. I'm rewriting history for the Fire Nation." He proclaimed, pride glimmering in his dark orbs.

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