Chapter Nineteen: Revelation

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This chapter is dedicated to EnolaNegrutiu

Also the time skip happens in the next chapter 🥳


Zuko woke up with a start, heart pounding in his chest.


He was sure seeing her in the dead of night and her hugging him was a dream but a part of him knew it wasn’t. Throwing the sheets off, he quickly slipped into his slippers and raced out of his room in search for his mother.

The hallway was empty and dark, it felt like stepping into a phantom zone. Where was everyone?

He brushed it aside and ran down the empty hallway, coming to a stop when he saw Azula leaning against one of the columns.

“Where’s mom?” He asked, panting and out of breath.

Azula tucked Zuko’s knife gifted to him by Iroh into its sheath and shrugged nonchalantly.

“No one knows.” She eyed him silently with a slight smirk, “Oh and also, grandfather died last night.” She added as casually as informing someone it might rain in the afternoon.

Zuko stiffened and glared at her. “Not funny Azula, you’re sick and I want my knife back. Now.”

He jumped towards her to grab it but she twirled away gracefully, holding it up tauntingly at him.

“And who’s going to make me?” She inquired slyly, “Mom? Or maybe your little girlfriend (Y/N)? It doesn’t matter, they’re both no longer here.”

His eyes widened at her words.

“You’re a monster.” He angrily grabbed his knife from her hand before dashing down the hallway to look for (Y/N).

He couldn’t wrap his head around how insane Azula sounded. His mother was gone, his grandfather had died and (Y/N) was somehow missing as well all in the spam of one night? That was impossible.

Yet he couldn’t get the image of his mother hugging him in the middle of the night promising him everything she had done was for him. She couldn’t be gone.

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he ran towards (Y/N)’s room. She couldn’t possibly be gone too.

Turning the corner towards her room he froze in his step when he saw that there were no guards. There were always guards stationed in front.

He shook his head as if to rid his self-doubt and ran towards the door, shoving it open so hard it slammed against the wall and reverberated across the empty threshold. He imagined he’d find her sitting by the hearth as usual, watching the flames with her knees pulled in, her long (H/C) hair falling around her like a protective blanket.  As she hears him approaching she’d turn and smile, strands of her hair falling across her (E/C) eyes that would light up like the sun when meeting his.

But she wasn’t there. Nothing was. The room was dark, cold and empty.

He sucked in air and staggered back, as if he’d just received a mortal wound to his chest. None of it made sense. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned, dashing out to find his father. He would surely have answers. He soon found Ozai in the garden, facing the pond.

By now he was out of breath and was holding back tears.

“Where are they?” He demanded his father.

Ozai said nothing as he stared on, his back to Zuko. His silence gave Zuko his answer. His eyes widened and he looked utterly crestfallen as he looked down. His mother was gone, so was (Y/N); he felt more alone than he’d ever felt in his entire life

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