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Avneet pov:

I again woke up with the nightmare. These are getting worse day by day, now to i am not even at my house, There my nightmares were not a problem because no one cared but here what if they got to know about them, i need to consult a psychiatrist. I sighed and watched the time. It was 6:00 in the morning. I was nervous because i was sure that today Nigam family will be definitely going to know about me. I don't know what the day is holding for me. I kept all the negative thoughts aside and bring out my parents photo from my bag. I hugged it and said " Give me strength Mumma papa to handle the situation" then i put it back in bag carefully and decided to get ready. I entered the bathroom did my morning routine and took a relaxing bath.

I decided to wore a red saree, so i wore it came out of bathroom, i was drying my hair with towel, i turned and bumped into something hard i closed my eyes in fear and waited to come in contact with floor but i didn't felt anything, i slowly opened my eyes and saw a pair of hazel orbs staring at me intensely. His eyes are so beautiful i felt myself drowning into them and i noticed he was also in the same state but suddenly i realized something and pushed him. He is Siddharth nigam, my husband. He also came out of his thoughts and asked me who am i, i din't answered and kept looking down, He was going to speak something but  stopped i waited for some time when he didn't spoke anything i looked towards him, the only expression i noticed on his face was pure anger. He has fisted his palms and his jaw was clenched. I got scared seeing him, suddenly he pulled me roughly by my shoulders and started asking me about roshni di . I told him that i don't know anything and he left the room in anger while shutting the door with a loud thud.

Tears started flowing from my eyes this is not how i wanted my married life to start. I wanted someone who would love me, care for me and respect me but god has something else decided for me, I guess i don't deserve happiness that's why fate is playing games with me from my childhood.

I can hear his yelling from the hall and soon i heard footsteps coming towards the room. My breathing quickened, heart beat increased. Shitt!! another panic attack. I started taking deep breathes but today it is not helping at all. Suddenly door opened, mom and his brother came inside. Mom gasped seeing me, she covered her mouth with her hands shock was visible on her face and his brother was also looking shocked. Their reactions were not helping me at all. I started counting

"O....on...nee, Tw....w..oo," and so on but today my breathing was not getting in control. I started blacking out when his brother caught me and told me to take deep breathes it helped me but the next moment everything blacked out.

Abhishek pov:

When we entered sid's room we saw a girl standing there which was not roshni. Mom and me both were shocked. She was looking so scared, I noticed that she was having difficulty in breathing, then suddenly she started counting and i understood that she is having a panic attack. I rushed towards her she was about to fall but i hold her.

" Hey hey listen to me calm down and take deep breathes okay" i said and she nodded.

"Inhale, exhale" she did as i said 

"What is happening to her abhi?" mom asked in a worried voice.

"She is having a panic attack mom" I told her with a tense voice.

I noticed that she had passed out, i picked her up and placed her on the bed. Mom sat beside her and started rubbing her palms.

" I think we should call a doctor" mom nodded. I was about to call the doctor when the girl slowly started opening her eyes. When she saw us she got scared and started speaking.

"   pl...le..ase   for...rgi..ive,   I...i   di...idn't , th...hey fo...orced   to do   t...this, I.... i di...idn't   wa...nnt..ed   to   m..marry   your s...son   t...the..y   f...force...dd me" she was hell scared of us.

Mom cupped her face and she calmed down a little.

" What is your name baccha?" mom asked her softly.

"Avneet" she replied

"I know you are innocent beta by looking at you i can tell that you didn't did this by your choice, but tell me everything what happened?" Mom said softly and she nodded. 

Then she told us everything, how roshni ran away with her boyfriend and how her uncle aunt forced her to replace roshni. She was crying by the end. Mom hugged her and calmed her down, when she calmed down mom broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

"Now you are my daughter and i am you mom, you will not call me mam from now ok" Mom said faking anger, avneet smiled a little and nodded.

"Oh sorry i totally forgot about this big bandar, hmm so meet Abhishek Nigam my big bandar" mom said and she laughed.

"Mommmmmm" i whined at her and she just laughed.

" Anyways i am Abhishek yours husband older brother" i forwarded my hand towards her and she accepted it hesitantly.

" You can call me dada or bhai whatever you like" i said to her

" I will call you bhai if it is ok with you" she asked me and i nodded smiling wholeheartedly.

"Then i'll call you avneetayyy its really cute and it suits you baby sis" I said while grinning like a idiot and hugged her tightly, she nodded. Mom was also smiling looking towards us.

She knows that how badly i wanted a sister to care of and now finally i got her. I don't know what happened to me but when i saw her first time i felt the urge to protect her from everything. She is my baby sis and i will not let anything happen to her. I broke the hug and saw her face she was smiling genuinely with tears in her eyes i wiped her tears and shook my head, telling her not to cry anymore. She nodded and wiped her tears like a baby i chuckled.

" You rest here now and we will send breakfast and medicines for you" mom agreed with me and we left the room with smile on our faces......,


Tadaaaa so here' s the new chapter

I am in love with Abhineet 🥺

Abhi to vaish se mila bhi nhi h Abhishek aur phle se hi inke thoughts milte hai they both are calling her ' baby sis'. Awww 🥺

Did you liked her bond with vibha aunty and abhi?

Here abhi promised himself to save his baby sis from every danger and on the other side his brother himself is planning to ruin her life. So now what's gonna happen!!

To get the answers to these questions stay tuned.

We will meet in the next chapter till then

Love you all. Stay safe. 😘

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