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Siddharth pov:

I was checking my mails when i noticed the time is 8:30, so i went to pick her. I reached there and went inside but then i remembered that i forgot my phone in car, so i went back to take it. When i again came inside i saw that she was standing on the ladder with books in her hands and fuck she was about to fall.

I quickly ran towards her and caught her before falling. Thank god i reached on time, i thought.

We both fell down, she was on top of me, our bodies were tightly pressed against each other My both hands were on her waist holding her tightly and her hands were gripping my tee like her life is dependent on my tee, I felt  a weird sensation in my stomach,  her eyes were closed due to fear and few hair strands were there on her face. I tucked them behind her ears to get a better view of her and her eyes immediately got opened when my hand came in contact with her face. Her eyes met mine and got locked together. 

We were lost in each other eyes but my gaze averted and fell on her cute little nose and then on her pink lips, my eyes got glued there and i gulped. Her hot breathe was fanning on my lips and i am sure mine was too. What would they taste like? I thought. I subconsciously started leaning in Our nose were touching and lips were just a little apart, i leaned more, my lips were about to touch her when she pushed me and stood up and i came back into my senses.

Fuck what was i going to do!  Get a God Damn grip.

I also stood up and started scratching the back of my neck, she was looking anywhere but me. There was a awkward silence between us

"Uh..m  we should get going." i said to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah just 5 minutes, a few books are left." she said and picked the books and then something striked me.

"Hey wait, firstly tell me what the fuck you were doing on the ladder with books in your hands, are you stupid, who climbs ladder with books in one hand, you could have hurted yourself if i didn't came on time, thank god i came on time, otherwise tomorrow you surely will have a broken arm or leg." i stopped and started taking deep breathes. Wow i said all this in one breathe.

I looked towards her, her eyes were widen in surprise but i shook my hand in front of her and she came back into senses.

"There were only a few books so i took them all along, i had done that earlier also." she said shrugging.

"What you have done that earlier, how could you, don't you know that it can be dangerous." i said in a shocked tone.

"Its nothing to worry about." she said

"It is, see today you were going to fall." i said 

"I got distracted today, that's why." she replied

"I don't know anyhting, from next time you are not climbing ladder and by chance if you are, then there must be one person standing to hold the ladder, do you get that." i said in a stern tone and she nodded.

"Now give me these books i will place them." i said and started climbing the ladder.

"Siddharth, you don't have to i will do it." she said 

"Don't argue with me, just give me the books." i said and she huffed in annoyance. After that she gave me books one by one and after placing then i came down.

"Hmm, so lets go now." i said and forwarded my hand to her, she looked at my hand for few seconds then hesitantly placed her hand on mine and i felt sparks ran through my body, does she feels them too? I thought. Then i held her hand and we both went outside, she locked the library and we sat in the car. None of us spoke the whole ride, we reached the penthouse and she came out of the car and went inside. I also followed her.

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