Chapter 12

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Hola guys.  Thank you so much for 3k+ reads and 300+ votes, Its all because of your love and support.

And Sorry for the late update, but my schools had started and it finishes at 2pm and at 4pm my  offline tuitions starts and it ends at 7pm and from 8 to 10 i have to attend online course, so i am very busy nowadays. So i will update in every two days and if i got time, I will try to update daily. So guys please cooperate with me and keep showering your love and support.

Anyways let's get started with the chapter..

Siddharth pov:

I was excited to meet mom and dada and i hope that they would have solved the issue of marriage. When my flight landed i directly went to my home, when  i entered the mansion the watchmen and servants bowed me. I nodded and walked past them. I thought that i will meet mom and dada at dinner so i went to my room to get fresh. When i reached my room i was shocked to see avneet still there. I was angry that she didn't left so i warned her that now i will make her beg me to leave her. After i got fresh i came out of bathroom, avneet was not there, good for me. So i went down and saw that she was there but i ignored her and went to mom and greeted her then i greeted dada but he just gave me a curt reply. I looked towards avneet because of her dada is angry with me. After that mom and bhai asked her to take a seat with us, don't know what magic she has done on them that they have become her puppets. She looked towards me and i was already glaring her but she quickly looked away and took her seat.

After that we all started our dinner.  I saw mom made all my favourite dishes. We started eating our food, But the food didn't tasted like mom's food in fact it was much much better then that maybe she has followed some other recipe. After the food mom served us kheer and after eating it i couldn't control myself and thanked mom for such a delicious dinner, but what she said shocked me  the food was cooked by avneet i immediately stopped eating and left the table and went to room. What does she thinks of herself that she can impress me by making food for me. I was getting angry so to distract myself i started checking mails. I was engrossed in my work when door opened and mom walked in.

She came towards me and sat on my bed. I laid my head on her lap and she started caressing my hair. I closed my eyes feeling her love after so many days.

"You shouldn't have done that" she said in a low voice and i looked at her in confusion.

"What?" i asked

"What you did at the dinner you shouldn't have done that, she must have felt bad sid that you left because of her" she answered my question. Now i understood what is she taking about.

"But mom i hate her, i don't want anything from her and i don't care what she feels." i said in a cold voice.

"But beta why you hate her?" she asked

Seriously she is asking me why i hate her, because of her i didn't got my love.

"Mom because of her roshni ran away" i said. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Ok now let's don't talk about past, talk about future, I want you to give chance to this marriage and your relationship." she said and my eyes widen.

"How can i mom? I hate her and i will not give her any chance" I said with a stern voice.

"Please do it for me at least, she is not a bad girl sid you just misunderstood her" She said in a soft voice. 

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