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Avneet pov:

Right now i am in the kitchen making breakfast for mom and bhai. It's been two weeks since i am in this house and mom told me that Mr. Nigam went to New York for one week regarding some business but it's two weeks now, it is clear that he is trying to avoid me, but i also can't expect anything from him. But i don't care about anything because my mom and my bhai loves me so much. They didn't let me do any work but i insist them to let me. I just finished cooking and went out to set the table, i was setting it when the main door of the mansion got opened


































It  was a short girl with black curly hair wearing an expensive dress. Her face was caked with make up.

(Any guesses who is the girl and comment down who thought it was Sid😜)

(Any guesses who is the girl and comment down who thought it was Sid😜)

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Her dress 👆

She came towards me 

"Hey girl bring me a glass of water" she ordered me rudely.

" I am sorry if u want water you can take it by yourself also, you are no one to order me" i said in calm yet harsh tone.

" How dare you answer me back you bitch, you don't know who am i, i can kick you out of this house" she yelled at me

"Oh yeah i know you, a spoilt brat". i replied rolling my eyes.

She fumed in anger on hearing my answer and was about to answer me back when bhai came down and saw  us

" What happened Avneetayy?" he asked me

I was about to tell him but again that girl interrupted me. Ahh what's up with everyone interrupting me today .

" See baby she is talking to me rudely" she said to bhai in a sugar coated voice while clinging on him and pointing towards me. But why is she saying Bhai ' Baby', Is she his girlfriend? I thought.

" Who is talking to you rudely riya?" Bhai asked her

( So the girl is Riya Abhi's so called gf)

"That bitch and now i want you to fire her" she said pointing towards me.

"RIYA" bhai yelled at her and she flinched back.

"HOW DARE YOU TO SPEAK LIKE THAT WITH MY BABY SIS" he roared at her. I went towards him and rubbed his arm.

" Calm down bhai, it's okay" i tried to calm him

"No, it's not okay avneetayy, she can't talk like that with you" he exclaimed

"Riya you are saying Sorry to her right now or get out of my house" bhai said and she gasped.

"Baby why should i say sorry to her, she should say to me na, she disrespected me by not following my order" she tried to reason him.

" One more word against her and i will forget it that you are my girlfriend" bhai said gritting his teeth.

" But who is she to you, is she your new gf abhi" she said pointing me disgustingly and i gasped.

" SHE IS MY LITTLE SISTER AND WIFE OF MY BROTHER AND I WILL NOT TOLERATE A WORD AGAINST HER". He said and she got shocked on hearing him. Bhai is getting out of control now, Mom is also not home, what should i do to calm him down. I thought.

( Author: Nothing just bring vaishu di in front of him 😜)

" SAY SORRY TO HER RIGHT NOW MISS. RIYA AHUJA" bhai yelled. She flinched and moved towards me.

She came in front of me, eyed me with disgust and anger "Sorry" she said in a harsh tone, I nodded.

" Now get out of my house" bhai said and she stormed out of the house in anger.

" Are you okay avneetayy?" he asked me softly, i nodded and made him sit on the sofa and went in the kitchen to bring water for him.

And when i came out of the kitchen the sight infront of me shocked me that the glass fell from my hand........


So this is it for the chapter.

Any guesses what avu saw that she got shocked.

Sorry for the short chapter because i was busy with something, so bare with me 🥺

So the main theme of the story is going to start in next 2-3 chapters.

Are you guys excited

Hope you liked the chapter. Do votes and comments.

We will meet in next chapter. Till then,

Love you all. Stay safe 💓.

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