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No one's pov :

A little 5 years old girl is shown playing in the park with some kids and her parents were admiring her lovingly.

 Her mother said " see how fast our princess is growing, it seems like yesterday when she was born and was crying for her father" she chuckled while saying this. 

" Yes and she stopped crying when i hold her for the first time, this proves that she is her dad's princess and i never want her to grow, i want to hold her in my arms for my life" her dad replied

 "It is not possible hubby every child has to grow one day" her mother replied while laughing on the foolishness of her husband.

He made a grumpy face and then called her daughter " princess come here see its becoming dark now, the ice cream shop will be closed if you kept playing here"

On hearing this the girl ran towards her dad and said " no dad see i stopped playing now come we will go for ice cream shop"

Her mom and dad chuckled and said "ok princess now come "

"Dad i will eat two ice creams today pweaseee" the girl said cutely with her puppy eyes and like any other dad he also melted at her princess cuteness.

"Why will you eat two ice creams is there any special day today?" her mother said faking anger.

"Oho darling let her eat na its just two only" her father said to his wife who nodded smiling.

They went to the ice cream parlour who was located on the other side of the road. " you two wait here i will bring for you but tell me the flavours" her father said.

" I want chocolate chip dad" the girl replied excitedly "and butterscotch for me" her mom replied while chuckling at her daughter excitement for ice cream. He nodded and went to buy ice creams .

When he was coming back he didn't noticed the truck coming towards him but his wife noticed it and she ran to save him but she was a little late, while saving him the truck hit both of them. 

Blood was scattered all over the road and the girl was standing numb she didn't knew what to do because she was of five only. she ran to her parents dead body and started crying .

" Mom dad open your eyes what happened to you. Dad you promised me to buy me a  doll house on my next birthday. dad please open your eyes, Mumma see dad is not waking up First you wake up and then tell him to wake up. Please open your eyes mom dad" she was crying mess and her clothes were filled with blood due to hugging her parents body. During this time police and many people were gathered there. 

Some people tried to pick up the girl because she was crying a lot and the police also needed to take the bodies but the girl was just crying and screaming for her parents" Where are you taking my mom dad i will also come with you "

"Noooo Mumma papa " she screamed at last when her parents were out of her sight.....

She woke up with a jerk and sweat on her forehead, breathing heavily, she took a glass of water from her nightstand and gulped it down. After her breathing calmed she watched the time it was 2:40 in the morning she sighed heavily. Now it has become a routine for her, every night she get nightmares and then she has to be awake all the night. 

She took a book from her bag, went to balcony and she started reading it to spend her night while reading her eyes welled up with tears and she whispered " i miss you so much Mumma papa why you left me alone in this cruel world"...


So here it is! 

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So we'll meet in next chapter till then 

Love you all. Stay safe

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