Chapter: 42

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Hola guys! How are you all doing? Finally i updated and  I am alive😅. But yesterday only my pre boards finished so i wasn't getting any time to write. So after exam the first thing i did was to write the chapter. So here u go!


Author pov

Its been a month since all those incidents and everything is same, Siddharth and Avneet are not even on talking terms, He kept trying to initiate conversations with her, but all went in vain. Her aunt was not leaving any chance to encourage her to leave him, by telling her that the kid will never have happiness and all those shits, she used to ignore her all the times but now she was getting to start manipulated by her.

Today was nothing different. Avneet just came from library and when she entered she saw roshni sitting on the couch watching a movie, her baby bump was showing a little. When she went towards her, roshni called her

"Hey Avneet, you came back?" she asked while smiling.

"What do you think? Am i back or not?" she asked with a blank face which made roshni shut her mouth.

"Yeah you are." she replied and went back to what she was doing.

Avneet sighed and went to her room for getting fresh. When she was going she heard some voices coming from his room and being a curious cat she rested her head against door and started listening to his conversation.

"Yeah, don't worry she is alright." he said

(Avneet pov in italics)

With whom he is talking and who is this 'she' here?

"I told you that she is alright and i am taking her to regular check-ups, now stop annoying me." he said in an irritated tone.

Oh so he is talking about roshni, but with whom? Aunt is already here. Is he talking with Uncle? Yep he is definitely talking with uncle.

"What you want to talk with her!" he exclaimed 

Why is he getting shock if uncle wants to talk to her, she is his daughter right.

"I told you already that you won't get to talk with her, it can affect her." he said

Why it would affect her if he talks with her, maybe uncle is still mad at her. Yep that makes sense. Now i should leave, eavesdropping is bad.

(subconscious mind: sbc)

Sbc: wow u realized so early that eavesdropping is bad.

Avi: who are you?

Sbc: your subconscious mind.

Avi: oh

Sbc: yeah oh and you realized very early that eavesdropping is bad when you heard every single word of his conversation.

Avi: hey stop mocking me, i was just curious.

Sbc: Curiosity killed the kitten baby

Avi: uggh i know, now get the fuck away, don't annoy me.

Sbc: I am going now, but will keep coming. Bubye baby.

She huffed and went to her room, got fresh and then again came downstairs to have dinner. When she reached everyone was already sitting on the dining table, but no one has touched the food yet.

"You should have your food." she said and took her seat opposite to Siddharth.

"Yeah i told the same thing to him that you are not worth for waiting, but i don't know why he wanted all of us to wait for you." neeharika said eyeing her disgustingly, she ignored it and sat on her seat, but Siddharth didn't.

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