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Hola guys, Hope you all are doing fine. I couldn't update yesterday because my mom got injured so i had to take care of her and did all the work, That's why i didn't got time to update.

And now updates will be slow because i am in 12th standard, my Boards are in a month and my pre boards are going to start from this 29th, so i need to study.

Hope you will understand.

Anyway let's get started with the chapter.


Siddharth pov:

"But every person has limits to bear something, and i am tired now, tired of everything, tired of pain, tired of false allegations, tired of to pretend that every thing is okay, but it is not. Today he spoke bad about my character, how can he? when he didn't even know a single thing happened with me and what am i suffered through. I started thinking that he is not like he wants to show the world, but he proved me wrong, he is exactly what he wants to show, a cold, heartless man. But now the pain is unbearable, please mom dad end this pain and take me to you, please." Her words broke my heart and hearing her last words my world stopped. She was asking for death and the reason is me.

I felt like killing myself. She is right i am a heartless bastard. I spoke too much bad about her and didn't even tried to know her side story.

I can hear her loud sobs from the other side making my heart clench, knowing that the reason behind her sobs is me. I badly wanted to go inside, hug her tightly and to apologize her. But i couldn't because i will not be able to face her after saying all those hurtful things.

"Damn how can i do that." i yelled and punched the wall near the door hardly.

"Yes how can you do that bastard." came Deep's voice and i clenched my jaw, all this is happening because of him.

I turned around and punched his jaw, he fell on the ground with his lip bleeding from corner.

"Beat me as much as you want but don't hurt her." he said in  a dangerous tone.

"Why did you do that?" i asked him 

"Because i wanted to make you realize that you love her, but your temper issues ruined it all." he exclaimed and i froze.

"   h..her?" i asked while stammering 

"Yeah you love her." he said and stood up from the floor while wiping the blood from his lip.

"We will talk about this later, first you need to clean yourself, you are fucking bleeding." he said and took me to my room.

"Go take a shower then i will apply medicine." he said and pushed me inside the bathroom.

I took a hot shower, it calmed my tensed nerves and muscles. I came out and wore a t shirt and sweat pants. Deep was already sitting there, when he saw me, he came towards me and made me sit on the couch. Then he started cleaning my wounds.

"Deep do i really love her?" i asked in a low tone

"Ask this from your heart." he replied and stood up.

"But do realize it before its too late." he said and i nodded

"Okay i am leaving then." he said but i held his arm and hugged him.

"I am sorry Deep i was angry at that time, please forgive me, i didn't wanted to punch you, but it just happened." i said in a weak tone and he broke the hug.

"I am not angry on you for punching me or anyhting, but i am angry on you because you behaved very harshly with her, did you saw her face expressions when you were accusing her, her face was blank, but her eyes were saying it all that she is broken from inside, Oh i forgot, how can you notice that because of your bloody temper." he spat at me and i looked down ashamed.

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