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Avneet pov: 

Yesterday was a pure bliss. I got to spend time with di and bhai and i was shocked that Mr. Nigam also agreed to spend time with us, although he didn't talked with me even for once but i am also glad that he didn't left for me being there. And at lunch he didn't  left the food even after getting to know that it was made by me and then it shocked me to the core when he complimented the food. 

Di and bhai left at night and today is my interview for librarian. To be honest i am very nervous because this job is very important for me because i still have to pay one fourth part of fee. So i am getting ready for my interview. I decided to wear something casual.

Time was 8:15 am and i have interview at 10:00 so i have some time

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Time was 8:15 am and i have interview at 10:00 so i have some time. When i went downstairs, Siddharth was already at the dining table in casuals. Doesn't he has office today? I thought.

 Doesn't he has office today? I thought

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(Aww how cute he is looking 🥺)

"Good morning." i wished him and he looked towards me. His eyes met mine and we had a eye lock for 10 secs. Then he gazed me from top to bottom, and i didn't even felt uncomfortable then again our eyes met. We were deeply looking in each other eyes when we heard a series of fake cough and i quickly averted my eyes. 

"You two have whole night kiddos." aunt said wiggling her eyebrows and i blushed.

"Its nothing like that aunt." i replied blushing.

"Yeah i can see that." She replied teasing me.

"Btw are you going somewhere, i mean you are dressed up." she asked me

"Yeah i have an interview today and now i am going to make coffee, do you need some." i replied her and she shook her head. Then i started going towards kitchen to make some for me and aunt also left.

"Interview?" came his confused voice and i stopped in mid tracks. Shit i forgot to ask him about job and even about my studies. What if he will not allow to continue my studies? No it can't happen. I have to complete my parents wish, I can't let that happen.

Then i turned around to face him and now he was standing, while crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah interview." i replied nervously.

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