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 Siddhart's pov:

Then i glanced towards her, Her condition was not good so i quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and called the doctor. After calling, i gently placed  her on bed and brought a first aid kit from the restroom. I cleaned the blood from her nose and dabbed her wounds carefully with the medicine which i guess she got during finding the pills, She winced a little in her sleep but thankfully didn't woke up. Then i went inside her closet, cleaned it, picked up the the broken vase carefully and threw them which broke when she accidentally hit with it . After cleaning i went in the room and saw her sleeping peacefully. She was looking so innocent in her sleep. I don't know why but now i am feeling like she is really innocent, she didn't did anything. But her mother  told me that she forced roshni to ran away.

I sat beside her and my hands subconsciously started caressing her hair. After sometime the door bell rang, Must be the doctor, i thought. I went and opened the door. She greeted me and i gave her a curt nod. When we both went inside avneet's room we saw she was again at the verge of panic attack, she was shaking, so i ran towards her 

"Avneet calm down, shushhh breathe." i said 

"Mrs. Nigam try to suck the air as much as possible." the doctor said coming towards us.

She did as we said and slowly she calmed down, then opened her eyes and looked towards the doctor with a confused face.

"I called her because you were injured." i said sensing her confusion and her eyes went wide.

"Y..ou   d..on..n't    to   i   f...fine"  she replied while stammering.

"Are you for real! You literally had a panic attack, your nose was bleeding due to that and you are saying that you are fine." i shouted and she flinched.

"Calm down Mr. Nigam she is already sacred and you are scaring her more." doctor said and i rubbed the bridge of my nose to calm my temper. I mean how can someone be so careless about her health.

"Hello Mrs. Nigam i am doctor Shivani." Doctor said and she nodded.

"So i will ask you few questions, answer them properly, okay." she nodded

"Okay how many panic attacks did you have till now." shivani asked and she shrugged.

"I am having them since my parents died." She replied in a low tone.

WHAT THE FUCK!!! PARENTS DIED?? Her parents are dead? Then who are they with whom she was living and how is avneet related to that lady who told me that she is mother of roshni and her.

"Your parents are no more?" i asked in a shocked tone and her eyes widen like she realised something.

"Y...yes  I..i   am" she replied while stammering and looking down.

Then who are they? Damn its so confusing yar. i wanted to ask more about this topic but i kept quiet looking her scared face.

"Oh i am sorry for your lose, but when did your parents died?" doc asked

"When i was 5." she replied. 

Holy fuck!!

She is having them since the age of 5!!!!

"Then why didn't you consulted the psychiatrist." doc asked with a shock. I was also shocked that she managed them without any help of a doctor.

"I..I  d..din't   w...wa..nted" she replied while stammering.

I am sure she is lying, this is not the reason.

"But i went to the doctor yesterday." she added quickly.

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