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A loud gunshot rang in the entire hall and i closed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come, but it never came, instead i was embraced by a pair of arms. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Siddharth shielding  me. He went stiff after embracing me.

"No, no Siddharth." i mumbled with tears welling in my eyes as my mind concluded that he took the bullet for me. I wrapped my arms around him and felt warm liquid on my hand. He loosed his balance and fell down with my arms still wrapped around him. I kneeled down beside him and tears started flowing through my eyes.

"Siddharth why did you come infront of me?" i mumbled as i pressed his wound to stop the blood flow. His face was showing pain and he groaned when i put a little pressure on the wound.

"Bhai call the ambulance fast." i yelled at bhai when i noticed him closing his eyes.

"No, no Siddharth don't close your eyes, keep your eyes open." i mumbled and patted his cheeks in order to keep him awake.

"Chotey don't you dare to close your eyes, otherwise i will ban your gym for the rest of your life." bhai said to him with tears in his eyes, as he also kneeled down beside him.

"Yo..u  ca..n't   d..o" he said with a difficulty and gripped my other hand as he felt the pain.

"Yes Siddharth, please keep talking like this, the ambulance will be here shortly, till then keep your eyes open." i said to him and his eyes met mine.

He raised his hand towards me and i leaned forward.

"Yes Siddharth, you want to say something to me?" i said with tears continuously flowing from my eyes. All this is happening because of me.

He cupped my face and smiled at me which made me sob uncontrollably.

" Don't cry, You are safe." he breathed out with a smile and slowly closed his eyes.

"No, Siddharth open your eyes." i yelled and patted his cheeks, but it was of no use. He was not opening his eyes. I quickly checked his pulse, it was very faint.

"Bhai we need to take him to the hospital immediately, his pulse is very weak." i told him in a shaky voice.

"Yes Avneetayy, the ambulance is here, nothing will happen to him, he will be fine, you just calm down, okay?" he said and i nodded

The paramedics came and made him lay on the stretcher before taking him to the ambulance. Me and bhai went along with them in the ambulance. Whole time his hand was still gripping mine, like even in the state of unconsciousness, he knew about my touch. The paramedics made him wear the oxygen mask and connected the drip to his hand. After few minutes we reached the hospital and they quickly took him to the O.T, and bhai went to the reception the fill the formalities.

Just then a sister came out of the O.T, i rushed towards her.

"He will be okay? Right?" i asked in a shaky tone.

"We can't say anything as of now, mam. The doctor is checking him, there is a possibility of permanent spinal cord injury by seeing the wound, its looking too close, but as i said earlier, nothing can be said as of now, everything will be clear after the surgery. And you need dressing too, you are badly injured." she told me, but i was too numb, to react.

(In permanent spinal cord injury, whole body goes to the state of paralysis, all the limbs stop working. The person remains alive, but can't do anything on its own, almost like a living corpse)

I broke out in sobs. All this is happening because of me. The bullet was for me, not for him, i was supposed to be in this place, not him.

"Shh, Avneetayy, calm down. Nothing will happen, he is a strong willed Bastard, he will not give up this easily and the sister is saying right you need medication and dressing for your wounds" bhai said and hugged me.

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