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Avneet pov:

 I was about to fall and i hold Mr. Nigam's hand to save myself from falling but he also slipped and we both fell down. He was on top of me and our bodies were pressed against each other. He raised his head and was staring at me intensely, He was very close to me and his hot breathe was fanning on my lips i got nervous under his stare so i tried to push him but he didn't even bulged from his place, his gaze was fixed on my lips, so i shook his shoulder with my trembling hands and he came in senses. He quickly stood up and started massaging his temples and i also stood up.

",   I..i" i said  

"You don't need to be sorry, i know its your slutty way to come close to me, i know girls like you who are only after money of rich man" he said venom dripping from his voice and i gasped at his words.

He thinks this low of me.

I know that he hates me but this is too much.

I was about to protest but i kept quiet seeing his angry face. Tears welled up in my eyes and i went to my room with the spare door, I locked it and broke down against it. I never ever ask money from anyone in my whole life, i never went near any men and he easily named me a slut and a gold- digger. 

I went towards my bag, opened it and bring out my parents pic.

"This is too much for me to handle Mumma papa, I can't take it anymore, Why didn't i died with you both on that day?" I cried and cried until i fell asleep on the floor itself.

Next morning i woke up with a really bad back ache, because i slept on the floor itself. I watched time it was 10:00 am, i was shocked , how the hell i didn't woke up earlier? I quickly went to bathroom did my morning chores took a bath and dressed up.

 I watched time it was 10:00 am, i was shocked , how the hell i didn't woke up earlier? I quickly went to bathroom did my morning chores took a bath and dressed up

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(Ignore the shoes)

I went downstairs and saw aunt Mary was cleaning the dining table, i went towards her.

"Good morning aunt" i said with a smile.

"Good morning sweetie, now tell me what you want tea or coffee?" she asked with a smile.

"I will make coffee for myself aunt you don't need to do that" i said.

"Oh come-on i am here for this work only" she said

"I know but today i want you to taste my coffee" i said and she laughed.

"Ok" she said smiling.

I went in the kitchen to make coffee for both of us.

"U..uhm  aunt did he left?" i asked not looking towards her.

"Who?" she asked wriggling her brows.

"Si..ddharth" i said not meeting her eyes. Gosh i took his name first time.

"Ya he left early today, he told he has some important work so he left." she answered laughingly and i nodded.

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