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Siddharth pov:

I drove off to the penthouse. My knuckles were white and were gripping the steering wheel tightly. I was beyond angry by seeing Deep kissing her. But why am i feeling like this. I was the one who told her to not interfere in each other lives and we both can live our lives the way we want, but why i am not able to see her with any other men.

Why seeing her with someone else rages me. I reached the penthouse, came out of my car and directly went to the gym present there. I took off my blazer, shirt and started punching the punching bag without caring of my injured knuckles.

While punching all i could see was red, blood was flowing from my knuckles but i didn't care and kept punching. The scene of Deep kissing her was coming in front of me making me more angrier.

I left the punching bag and started smashing everything in the gym, blood was dripping on the floor but i cared less about that. 

Avneet pov:

Deep and me reached the penthouse and i quickly came out of the car without waiting for him. I entered and watched for him but he was not in the living room, i didn't wasted my time and ran to his room but i didn't find him there also. Then i find him in the garden, kitchen everywhere but he was not there. I was becoming worried about him, because when he left from the party he was looking very angry.

I reached the living room and saw Deep was sitting on the couch playing game on his phone while munching some snacks, which i guess he took from kitchen.

"What the hell Deep! Your best friend is nowhere to be found and you are sitting here carelessly playing a game." i yelled at him, the phone fell from his hand and the other hand stopped in the middle which was holding a snack near his mouth.

(I hope you guys understand the situation😅)

His mouth was wide open and he was looking at me in shock.

"Now will you speak." i said in an irritated tone and he came out of his shock.

"Damn she is scary, wishing you luck buddy." he whispered not wanting me to hear but i already heard it.

"Shut the fuck up and now help me in finding him." i said

"Why to find him when i already know where is he." he said shrugging and again sat down on the couch and started eating. I looked at him in shock.

"You know where is he?" i asked him and he nodded.

"THEN WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T TELL ME BEFORE." i yelled and threw my phone to hit him but he dodged it off.

"Oh god both have same temper, both throw things at me, save your poor child from these two, god." he said dramatically and i narrowed my eyes at him.

"I am warning you if you don't tell me in next 1 sec that where is he then i am sure someone would be killed by me and for your kind information i am black belt at karate." i said in a dangerous tone and he gulped.

"He will be in gym." he said in an afraid tone and i ran towards the gym without wasting a second.

My feet were hurting like bitch due to wearing heels but i couldn't care about it. I heard deep following me but I kept running until i reached the gym.

Loud sounds of things crashing were coming from inside, i was about to enter but then i looked towards Deep.

"What don't look me like that, i am not coming, if he will see me, he will kill me for the stunt i pulled before." he said in scared tone.

"Then why the hell you did that" i said and he shrugged. 

I sighed and open the door, the scene in front of me left me shocked.

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