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Avneet pov: 

I woke up, finding my body completely tangled with him. I looked towards his face and he was looking very calm and cute with his messy hair and lips slightly parted. I admired his features for sometime then used my index finger and lifted his chin upwards to close his mouth but he again opened his mouth. I again tried but he again opened his mouth. I chuckled quietly looking at him. 

"Are you done?" he asked in his morning husky deep voice making me shocked.

"You were awake?!" i whispered embarrassed that he caught me.

"Yeah i was awake since you were busy admiring your handsome husband." he said with a smirk on his face and my face became red in embarrassment. Thank god my hair strands came in front of my face, otherwise he will see my red face.

"Umm, i should go now." i said and tried to get out from his arms but he tightened his hold on me and flipped us, i gasped at his sudden action and placed my hands on his chest. Now he was above me and my face was clearly visible to him.

He removed the hair strands from my face and tucked them behind my ear. He was staring at me intently making me nervous.

"Siddharth let me go." i said in a low tone due to the closeness between us.

"Never, i am never gonna let you go." he said in deep voice, which held determination in it, then he started leaning in making my heartbeat fast and the animals in my stomach started dancing. I felt his hot breathe fanning on my lips and i closed my eyes tightly thinking he is going to kiss me, but i felt his lips on my forehead and my eyes shot opened only to see a smirk on his face.

"Expected something else?" he asked with the smirk never leaving his face. My face flushed in embarrassment. What a great morning i had, i am making me embarrass  again and again.

"No." i replied while shuttering.

"Ok i believe you." he said sarcastically and stood up from me.

I also hurriedly stood up from the bed and was about to leave, not wanting to embarrass myself more but he caught my wrist making me stop. He came and stood just behind me.

"You know i can have this type of good morning everyday, with you in my arms." he whispered in my ear and lightly bit my earlobe. Goosebumps raised on my skin and my cheeks became red. I didn't knew what to say so i made my wrist free from his grip and ran from there, i heard his chuckle behind me.

I entered my room and placed my hand on my racing heart to calm it down. Every time it happens like this, whenever he comes close to me, my heartbeat pick up its pace and those strange animals starts dancing in my stomach. I don't even know what kind of animals these are, i never read of them in any of my books.

When my heart calmed down i decided to take a bath and get ready for college. When i got ready, i went downstairs and saw that breakfast was already arranged on the table, i went towards the table and saw a note there, it was from aunt which was saying that  she had to go market, so she placed the breakfast and will come after 2 hours. I smiled and placed the note aside. She really cares a lot for us.

"Is breakfast ready?" he asked coming down while wearing his watch. Damn why do he always look so handsome in his every suit!

 Damn why do he always look so handsome in his every suit!

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