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4 Months later 

4 months has been passed and i don't remember when was the last time i talked with him, maybe its 2 months ago or maybe longer but not less then this. I don't know what happened, but in the first month he used to call everyday and if he didn't then i use to call him. But later whenever he called, he used to sound very low and when i asked him what happened then he would just say that he is stressed about company. And after few days he stopped calling and when i tried to call him, he wouldn't just pick it up. I started worrying for him because this never happened before. So i called his secretary to know if he was okay or not  and he said that he was just busy with company issues, nothing else. I wasn't convinced even a little, but thought to shrug it off. Maybe he was really busy with work, with this thought i convinced myself.

I waited for weeks but  didn't get a single news about him which was making me worried sick. I told this to mom and bhai and when they called him, he didn't picked their call also. We all were very worried for him but after 2 days he called mom and told her that he was very busy with work that's why didn't get time to talk with us. Then also he didn't talk with me saying that his clients had arrived. After that he never called.

And tomorrow our marriage is completing a year and i don't even know that if he will be here or not. In these 4 months i realized that he had became the most important part of my life and i will not be able to bear if he will also go away from me like every one else. I just hope every thing turns out to be good, because we can just hope for something and the rest will be on god.

It is Sunday today and i have nothing to do, so i decided to set my cupboard and my book shelf. I was done with cleaning in 4 hours and by then it was 5 pm already. He is not here so i have given off to all the servants except the one who do cleaning because of course i can't clean this whole penthouse alone, so it was only me in here and to be honest sometimes it feels scary to be all alone in this huge house. I decided to cook dinner for myself.

I ate dinner, then read some books before going to sleep. This is my daily routine since he had left. I had nothing to do and i terribly miss him. Hope so he will come soon.


I woke up with a jerk by the sound of banging on the main door. I checked the time and it was 12:20 am. 

"Who could be it at this time?" i thought.

I stood up from bed, grabbed a vase placed on the nightstand, went downstairs and switched on the lights. The sound of banging of door was continuously coming and my palms were sweating,  i slowly went towards the door and saw from the peephole, but i saw no one. Strange. I took a deep breathe, held the vase tightly and opened the door.

When i opened the door, no one was there, it scared me because i am a light sleeper and i can't be hallucinating about the sounds, i was sure that someone was banging the door. I checked a little further from the door, when i saw no one i turned to go inside, suddenly all the lights of the penthouse went off.

"Someone is here for sure." i thought and gulped.

I switched on the flashlight of my phone and checked inside.

"Is someone in here?" i said out aloud and heard something falling from the kitchen.

"God, help me." i muttered under my breathe and slowly went towards kitchen.

"Who is there?" i asked and continued going forward, but no one replied, obviously avneet why he or she will reply if he is here to rob, i thought.

I tiptoed to the kitchen and suddenly i felt cold metal pressed against my head and vase dropped from my hand. My heart picked up it race when i sensed someone's presence behind me.

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