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When i opened my eyes, i found myself in a dark hall, with my hands tied to a chair.

"Ahh my head hurts like hell. Fucking piece of shit, should have attacked from front." i mumbled under my breathe.

I noticed my surroundings, there was not a single window present here and it was all dusty, like it never got cleaned for years.

"But why would someone kidnap me? I never had any enemies." i mumbled

"Oh that's where you are wrong." came a girl voice from the corner of the hall and she started coming towards me crossing the darkness. I narrowed my eyes to see the person who abducted me. When she came towards me i didn't recognize her, but she did look familiar.

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" i asked in a strong voice.

"Oh feisty huh? Don't worry soon your feistiness will leave you. And the answer to your question, i am Siddharth's  P.A. , we met earlier. You have a quite weak memory Avneet Nigam... Oh sorry Now Avneet Kaur." she said and smirked at me making my eyes go widen in realization and shock. 

"How did you know that he is... was my husband and why did you kidnap me?" i asked with tears welling in my eyes at the mention of him. All the incidents of last night came crashing down in my mind.

"Well you know i am working for him for past 4 years but he never gave me a single glance. I love him, and i know he does too, he was just busy with his company, but suddenly you entered ruining every thing. He looked at you like you are the most precious thing for him in this whole world, for you he even threatened me. These all things he should have done for me, but no he did for you, so i decided to erase you from our chapter, now that you are here soon you will be killed and i will be with him." she completed her bullshit and started laughing.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you are living in a delusional world. The things you are imagining are not going to happen at all, because he divorced me, i am no longer his wife and he is planning to marry Roshni." i stated and gulped the lump in my throat at the last line.

"WHAT!?" she screamed, like she didn't know about this.

"What, don't tell me that you kidnapped someone not knowing about their current situation." i said while narrowing my eyes at her.

"No, i knew about that." she said quickly recovering from her shock and it made me sure that she is not alone in this. Someone else is also included and that someone didn't tell her the whole thing.

"Well then you just wasted your time on me, because he is not going to come and save me and even if i was his wife right now, still i wouldn't have waited for him to save me, just untie me and i'll show you how to save myself." i said.

"Just shut up." she sneered at me before her phone ringed.

"Yes?, yeah she is here and gained her consciousness, no she didn't, ok"  I was only able to hear one sided conversation.

"You have a quite good luck that you are staying alive for an another hour." she said after hanging the call and turned towards me.

"Bitch open these ropes, then i'll tell you that who is gonna live." i spat at her while trying to free my hands from the rope, I'm damn sure that my wrists are bruised.

"Huh you can't provoke me." she said and turned on her heels while walking out.

"Damn she really tied these tight, these are not even loosening." i mumbled after another failure of trying to free my wrists.

My head fell back and i closed my eyes, thinking that this might be my end and i don't even have hope that someone will come and save me because Siddharth will definitely not care about my whereabouts as he clearly told me leave his house, he might be thinking that i had left his house, but he doesn't know that i might left this world too, in sometime.

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