Chapter: 2

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 Hello guys!! How are you all, hope you all are fine. I am sorry for being less active but the reason of me being less active is that i was hospitalized. #Weirdos knows about my condition and it became worse in past 2 days so doctor has strictly ordered me to not use any gadget which will affect my eyes because in typhoid  our eyes become very weak and if we put any stress on them then it can worse the condition.  This chapter was in my drafts that's why i am posting this and now i don't have anything in drafts also so next update will also be late So i hope you will understand me and support me.

And when i'll be back i'll spam all your new chapters my #weirdos.......... Love you allll...

Anyways lets start with the chapter:


Avneet pov:

I woke up with the sound of chirping of birds, i smiled this the best thing in my life after my parents death, that every morning i hear this sweet chirping of birds which refreshes my mind. After sitting there for few minutes i came back to my room and glanced towards the watch which was showing 6:50 in the morning i barely slept for an hour because when i slept it was 6:00. Then i went to the washroom did my morning rituals and took a bath. When i came out it was already 7:30 so dressed up fastly and went downstairs because i have to prepare breakfast for my cousin and my uncle aunt and they don't like it if breakfast is late. I remembered once i was late and they didn't got their breakfast on time so they locked me up in my room for two days without any food but only water. So from that day i never got late for preparing their breakfast.

I entered the kitchen, put the stove on fire and started making everything they needed for their breakfast. I prepared pasta for roshni, a cup of tea and scrambled eggs for my uncle and a cup of coffee with omelettes for my aunt. When everything is finished i glanced towards watch, it was showing 8:15 that means they will be here at any minute so i hurriedly prepared their table and made a sandwich for me.

After five  minutes they all came down, settled themselves on their seats and started eating. I was standing at the corner of the table because i was not allowed to sit with them.

After finishing their breakfast aunt spoke " hey listen you girl today roshni is going to meet her future husband so you will help her for dressing up and make her presentable understood " i nodded  weakly.

" I don't want to marry someone else mom i love someone and i will only marry him" Roshni yelled.

"Shut up roshni he is a billionaire if you will marry him then you will get all the luxuries of life so you will only marry him and breakup with your boyfriend" aunt spoke sternly. Roshni nodded while thinking something deeply.

Then aunt send me and roshni to her room to get her ready for her date. Roshni never cared about me but i was glad that she also never abused me like aunt. 

I made her ready in two hours but i noticed that she was least interested in this date but i just shrugged it off. After getting her dressed i came into my room and picked up the book which i had started i was just going to start reading when my phone ringed i saw the caller id and by seeing the id a huge smile came on my face.

It was of my only best friend who is also like my big sister Vaishnavi Rao. She knows everything about me, my past, my dream and even how my aunt treats me. She was always there for me whenever i needed her. She guided me every time when i was about to loose all my hope, so i love her more than myself and i can do anything for her.

With a smile i picked the call " what's up baby sis?" came her excited voice she always calls me baby sis or sometimes avu and i really liked it.

"I am fine di how are you?" i replied

"I am also fine baby sis, so tell me what were you doing?"

"Nothing i just helped roshni in dressing up for her date" i replied while shrugging

" Date?" 

" Yes aunt said that she is going to marry soon so they send her to meet her future husband"

"Oh" came her reply.

We talked for few more minutes then ended the call.

I then continued my book and while reading it i don't know when i fell into sleep.


This is it!

I know it was boring but the upcoming chapters are interesting.

So stay tuned for next chapters.

Till then love you all. Stay safe!!

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