Chapter: 4

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Avneet pov:

I woke up with a jerk because of splashing of water on me. When my eyes are opened clearly i saw my aunt glaring at me.

" You lazy girl today is the wedding of your cousin and here you are sleeping like a queen don't you know that you have so much work to do" with saying this she slapped me hard. I didn't reacted much because it has become normal for me now, this is the story of every morning.

"Now get up fast, you have to do a lot of work we don't gave you shelter and food just for resting like a queen if you have to live here then you have to do all the work" aunt said sternly and i nodded with tears in my eyes. This was not even their house, it was my parents home and they made it with the dream of our beautiful lives, but fate has something else planned for us and now see i am a maid in my own house.

When aunt left the room i entered washroom and saw my reflection in it i saw blood oozing from the corner of my lower lip, i sighed and applied some medicine on it. After finishing my daily morning routine i came out and dressed up.

 After finishing my daily morning routine i came out and dressed up

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I went down and saw the whole house was decorated. Everyone celebrated the ceremony for  three days long with mehndi, sangeet and haldi functions. Lots of relatives and neighbours came to congratulate the bride and many of them brought some gifts for her as well.

Everyone is enjoying the party and i am just doing the work assigned by my aunt. She doesn't even wants my presence in this wedding but she allowed me just because i will do the work for them.

Currently i am running with some gifts in my hands, i am not able to see who is coming in my way suddenly i bumped into someone and all the gifts fall down. I look upwards to see whom i bumped into and it was my aunt.

"Can't you do a single work properly i told you to place these gifts on their right place and you still haven't done yet!" she yelled at me and i bent down to gather the gifts. 

She grabbed my hairs in her hands and said " If i am talking to you then answer me never ignore me you ungrateful girl" i nodded with tears in my eyes. 

I collected all the gifts and then started taking them to place them at their exact place.

"Just one more turn then it will be completed" i said to myself while placing the gifts in the car's backseat, driving at doorsteps.

After sometime i saw the baraat come on the main door and uncle aunt went to them to welcome the groom and the  Nigam family and i went to check for roshni if she needs something or not. When i reached i knocked at the door but got no response i again knocked and waited for few minutes but still i got no response.

" Roshni di the baraat has arrived" i said while knocking the door but i got no reply. I got a little tense i saw here and there to find someone to get help and i spotted a waiter.

"Hey can you help me for opening this door" i asked him politely and he nodded. He hit the door two to three times and the door opened. I hurriedly entered the room but i didn't saw roshni there then i watched for her in bathroom but she was not even there.

When i came out of the bathroom i spotted a letter on the nightstand of bed, i pick up the letter with trembling hands and read it, my eyes were wide opened after reading, it said that roshni runaway with her boyfriend and she don't want to marry with the one chose by her parents. I didn't knew what to do and in no time uncle aunt came into the room asking for roshni, but when they saw me all teared up and letter in my hands, uncle came towards me and snatched it from my hands and went towards aunt and started reading it. When they finished reading it uncle yelled with anger " How can she do that she agreed for the marriage and now she ran away on her marriage day"

" You stupid girl i told you to be with her if you have been with her every time then this wouldn't have happened" aunt yelled at me

" How is it my fault aunt?" i asked.

"Don't you dare to answer me back" she again yelled at me.

"Just shut up both of you, now think what will we answer to the nigams they are here" uncle said with a tensed faced and then looked towards me, a smirk appeared on his face which made me confuse.

"I got the solution neha" uncle said with a smirk.


" We will replace roshni with her" he said eyeing towards me. My eyes widen after listening it.

" How can you do that uncle its roshni marriage not mine i am not going to marry him, i am not your puppet who will do anything you will say i didn't left this house in past because this is my parents home and i didn't want to leave it but now if you will force me to marry a stranger i will surely file a case against you monsters" i yelled at my uncle with anger lashing out in my voice. Now i am tired of everything,  tired of being a scared cat in front of these monsters.

His eyes widen at my sudden outburst and he raised his hand to slap me but i caught his wrist and twisted it, his face was showing pain and aunt was also shocked but soon the pain on his face by replaced by a disgusting smirk i made a confused face.

" You bitch listen to me, you will do everything what i will say otherwise i will destroy the only thing of your parents." he said smirking, he knows this is my weakness they have the last photo of my parents, which is also the the last thing for me as their sign so they blackmail me with that, and it is very important for me, i left his wrist.

" Please uncle don't do this to me i don't even know him how can i marry anyone and after all he is roshni's groom" i tried to explain him.

"You are doing it, and now i don't want any argument ion this topic, neha make her ready for the marriage" he said to aunt

"But if she will marry him than she will get all the luxuries and what about our roshni" aunt said while eying me disgustingly.

"Ah don't worry about that, do you think that Mr. Nigam will accept her, no he will make her life living hell so just chill about that." he said smirking towards aunt and now she also smirked.

" I will only marry him if you are ready to give me my parents photo" i said in a determined voice

They both looked towards each other and nodded.

Uncle left the room and my tears were flowing continuously.

"Hey girl i don't have time for your nonsense, just go now and change into that lehenga placed on the bed" aunt said

I didn't had any option so i did as i was asked to do. After i changed she did my makeup, whole time my face was emotionless because i knew that i was going to shift from one hell to another. I had heard about Mr. Nigam he is a cold arrogant man who don't care for anyone other than his family. I closed my eyes, let the tears to fall freely and accepted my fate.


That's it for the chapter.

Hope you liked it.

We will meet in next one. Till then

Love you all. Stay safe.

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