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After they all left, i too decided to leave for college. I can't let my personal issues to be heavy on my studies. Now my only focus is on to complete my father's dream. I took a hot shower to calm my tense nerves. I may not show it to others, but i too feel hurt. In past few months everything started to change, he started caring for me and it was more then enough for someone like me, who hadn't been cared from childhood and i too started liking him.

Yeah i accept that i started liking him, but now what! Everything is ruined now. I know what happened was not his mistake, it was the circumstances, but still it hurts to see that some other woman is carrying your husband's child and the woman is my cousin too.

I  got dressed and went down, aunt and roshni were already there having their meal, i decided to ignore them and went to kitchen to prepare a coffee for myself.

I was pouring the boiled water in the cup when i heard footsteps coming towards me, i didn't turn to look who was it.

"So how are you doing my child?" came aunt's annoying voice but i didn't reply her and continued doing what i was doing.

"You bitch if i am talking to you, then you have to answer me, you can't ignore me" she said and harshly pulled me from my elbow. Its enough, now i will not let her rule over me, the avneet who was scared of them is gone.

I pulled my hand from her grip and held her jaw tightly

"You listen to me old woman, i am not that same avneet who was scared of you, actually i was never scared of you, it was only my parents picture that was making me obey all your orders, and accepting what were you imposing on me but  now that the picture is with me, you can't black mail me anymore and don't you ever think to put your filthy hands on me because i guess you wouldn't want to mess with a girl who is black belt and can break your bones in a snap of finger, so stay the fuck away from me and my family." i said and pushed her hardly leaving her jaw. Now I have to sanitize my hand, i thought.

Her face was worth seeing. I guess she didn't expect this. All the colour was drained off from her face.

"Now get the fuck away from my path, i have more important work to do then wasting my time on you." i said and walked away while bumping my shoulder hardly with her, which made her stumble.

"You know what you can stop me but what about fate?" her voice came and i stopped.

"You heard that right! See even god wants them to be together, they were to marry each other but instead of roshni you got married to him and now see fate brought them back together with some other way, shouldn't you take it as a clue and leave them both or you want  another kid to suffer like you without parents, because if you will stay then the baby has to be with one parent at a time, like this he or she will never get the love of both parents, do you want that?" she asked me and left the kitchen leaving me in a turmoil of emotions.

She is right, if i stay then the kid will suffer like me and i don't want anyone to go through what i had gone through.

I  came out of my thoughts with a hand snapping in front of me and it was Lucas, my driver

"Mam are you alright? I was waiting for you for 20 minutes but you didn't come, so i came to check on you, you will be late." he said and i checked time, i was definitely going to be late.

"Yeah you are right Lucas lets go." i said and left.

When i reached college, it was only 5 minutes left for my biology lecture, so i ran towards my class. 

I reached the class and sat on my fixed seat and i was glad to my teacher who hadn't fixed anyone to sit next to me. Our prof. still didn't come so i was reading my notes when someone came and sat beside me making me snap my head towards the person.

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