Chapter: 11

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Avneet pov:

I am very happy. Today i got time to spend with both bhai and di. They both were fighting like kids over  little things. It was evening now, mom also came from the temple she was in the garden with bhai and di left some time ago i wanted her to meet mom but she got an urgent call from institute so she had to left. I also went to the garden with tea and some snacks for three of us, when i reached them they both smiled at me i also replied with smile and settled down on the chair and placed tea and snacks on the table.  I poured tea for us and gave them. We were sipping our tea in peace and i was admiring the weather, suddenly mom spoke

"Sid is coming tonight avu" and i froze, I looked towards her

" He called me in the noon and informed me" she said and i nodded not knowing what to say.

" Baccha i know that the circumstances in which your marriage happened were not good, but please try to give chance to this marriage and your relationship because i know that only you can change him beta" mom said with a hope in her eyes and i don't want to make her feel bad so i nodded.

"And avneetayy if he ever behaves badly with you, you are are going to tell me, I'll kick his balls." bhai said and i chuckled

"Abhi" mom glared at him

"What?! If he will do something irrelevant with my baby sis i will not hesitate to do that" bhai replied.

"Ok i will not stop you, but i am also sure that he will not let that situation occur" mom said.

"Hmm better for him" said bhai.

It was getting dark so we all came inside the mansion. I went into the kitchen to prepare for dinner, mom also came with me, I told her that i'll do it but she is so stubborn she said that she will help me and i can't stop her so i surrendered and let her help me.

"Mom at what time will he come" i asked her

"Why ? can't wait to meet him?" mom said with a smirk and i blushed.

"It's nothing like that mom, I asked because if he will come before midnight then i will also prepare dinner for him as well" i said while blushing.

"Awww you look too cute while blushing and yes he will come by the time of dinner." she replied while pulling my cheeks.

I nodded and started making the food. Mom told me that he loves dal rice and aloo ki kheer, so i prepared it for him and mom kept teasing me. I also cooked Shahi paneer, grilled chicken and chapattis then i decorated the salad. I completed everything and placed all the food in the microwave so that it didn't got cold. Mom helped me in cleaning the kitchen. After that i went into my room and got fresh and changed into something comfortable. I watched time it was 7:50 pm so i decided to complete the book which i started reading a few days ago. It was a motivational book and rn i needed it very much.

It's name is 'I know why the caged bird sings'

I was engrossed reading it, when the door got opened i stood up to see who was it and when the person came in my breath got hitched seeing the person. There he was standing, i saw him second time after our marriage. He was shocked to see me, he came towards me held me by my shoulders and said

"You are still here" in an angry voice, i looked down

"I told mom to clear this mess till i return but she didn't listened to me" saying this he jerked me.

"I gave you an option to leave my life peacefully without any drama but i guess you didn't chose it so now i will make sure that you will beg me to leave you" he said with gritted teeth and went to the washroom.

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