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Hola guys! My book crossed 100k reads, Thank you so much for all of your support.

So here is the surprise chapter for you guys! Love you all.



I woke up snuggled against something warm and hard. An arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. I raised my head and saw him sleeping with a peaceful expression on his face. Last night was an emotional wreck for both of us. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, i can't help but think about his sufferings too. All these months he also faced hatred of his own family members, when clearly it wasn't completely his fault.

But one thing intrigues me that why did Roshni ran away, just to broke up with her boyfriend, if they were unsure about their relation, they wouldn't have taken that step.

I sighed and tried to get up, but his grip tightened on my waist not letting me go. I again wiggled but this time he snuggled his head in my neck making me stop wiggling.

"Stop wiggling, I'm trying to sleep." he spoke in a raspy and husky voice making me shiver and his lips touching my bare neck wasn't helping me.

I gained my composure and spoke " Leave me Siddharth, i need to go and you have work to do, so wake up."

"Work can wait, but not this moment." he replied.

"Well your work can wait, as you are the boss, but i have college to go and last time i checked i wasn't the owner, so i need to attend college like normal students." i said sarcastically and he groaned before releasing his grip on my waist.

"Fine you won." he said before getting up from the bed and i gasped dramatically, still on the bed.

"Oh my god, did 'The Siddharth Nigam' just accepted his defeat." i exclaimed placing my hand on my heart dramatically.

Yes bitches i can be dramatic sometimes, but all my drama left when he turned towards me leaned into me to a level where our nose were touching and lips were just a little apart.

"I can lose a million times, if that makes you happy." he whispered and my breathe hitched. He was about to say something, but the door busted open revealing Roshni and we quickly backed away from our positions.

"I am so sorry, i didn't want to invade, but i didn't know that you were here." she said pointing towards me.

I didn't bother to answer her and got up from the bed to leave the room, but my gaze fell on the food placed on the table, that was still untouched from last night and my eyes widen.

"Siddharth!" i exclaimed

"What happened?" he asked quickly coming to my side ignoring roshni.

"Food! You didn't ate last night too!" I said and his eyes widen too.

"You are getting double breakfast today." i deadpanned.

"What! Why? you too didn't ate, you also deserve double breakfast." he exclaimed like a kid.

"Listen here Mister, i am not the one who is starving from yesterday morning, i only skipped dinner, but you are only on your fucking black coffee from yesterday morning, so definitely you are getting it." i said glaring him and he gulped while nodding, we heard a snicker from behind and realised that Roshni was still there.

"What's so funny?" i asked her

"Nothing, it's just rare to see 'The Siddharth Nigam' getting scolded. It was a sight to see." she replied.

"Shut up and tell me why on the first place you are in my room?" siddharth asked her.

"Oh about that, i was saying that today i am going alone for the check-up, you don't need to bother." she said and he nodded. After that she left the room.

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