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Avneet pov:

When we reached at mom's place, she hugged us tight.

"I have missed you a lot." she said to us

"We too missed you mom." we both said.

"No you didn't if you have then you could have came to meet me but you didn't." she said and huffed.

"Aww mom, we really missed you but our schedules were packed so we didn't got time." he said.

"Come on mom, let them come inside, they are standing outside from past 20 minutes." bhai yelled from inside.

"Oh i am sorry, i forgot." mom said and smiled sheepishly.

We entered and the delicious aroma of food filled my nostrils.

"Wow mom, i think the food is gonna very tasty." i said.

"Yep, it is after all i cooked it." she said and flipped her hair. I chuckled looking at her.

"Avneetayy  how are you?" bhai came and hugged me tightly.

"I am fine bhai, how are you?" i asked him while breaking the hug.

"I am also fine." he replied while taking me to the living room.

"Well hello there, your brother is also present." Siddharth said sarcastically.

"So what, don't you know the way to living room, you can go there yourself." bhai replied him.

"She also knows that." he exclaimed.

"So what she is my baby sis, i will take her, do you got any problem?" bhai asked him 

"Dada i am also your brother, you can't just ignore me." he whined and bhai smirked.

"I can and i will." bhai replied while smirking

"Now if you want to come then you can otherwise door is that way." bhai said teasing him and he groaned.

" Wow i am feeling so much welcomed" he said sarcastically and we all went towards the living room.

All this while i was controlling my laugh.

"Ok kiddos i am gonna arrange the table, till then you call Deep and ask him where is he?" mom said walking towards kitchen.

"Wait mom i am also coming with you." i said 

"No i will do it, you stay here." mom said.

"Not happening, i am coming, end of discussion." i said and walked towards kitchen and heard mom chuckle behind me.

We both arranged the table and after sometime heard them coming here.

"Hello Bhabhi jaan." deep said forwarding his hand towards me.

"Hello, but don't call me that i told you earlier also." i replied him while shaking his hand.

"You can't control my tongue." he said while smirking.

"But i can control your future generation, remember i am black belt." i said while smirking and his eyes widen.

"Geez woman calm down i was kidding, you just jumped on my future generation." he said with a horrified expression.

"You better be kidding." i said while glaring at him and he chuckled nervously.

"Alright, lets have dinner." mom said and we all settled down on our seats.

"Thank you so much mom, everything is looking so tasty." Siddharth said while picking up the glass of water and mom smiled in response.

He was drinking water and i was serving for myself.

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