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Siddharth pov:

I woke up with sunrays falling on my face. I opened my eyes and felt that my body is tangled with someone's body. I looked and saw a petite body snuggled in my chest, immediately a smile broke onto my face. 

Events of yesterday started flashing in my mind. How can she be so kind and innocent. Aunt told me that how she never left my side  and took care of me even after i spoke so much bad about her. 

When i woke up she was there by my side, i wanted to talk with her but she was ignoring me and it was killing me from inside. Is this how she must have felt when i used to ignore her?

 Finally she agreed to talk with me and i asked forgiveness from her, but she made me realize that we should never accuse someone whom we don't know. By hearing her words i badly want to know what she had suffered through and who made her suffer. I will make the life of that person living hell. But i want her to be comfortable around me and i will wait till that day when she will open up.

I don't know when i started caressing her hair. She stirred in sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me and her eyes widen. I guess she forgot that she slept in my room yesterday. I thought and mentally giggled.

She quickly sat up and looked at her surroundings.

"I am sorry, i don't know how i came here, i will leave." she started blabbering and stood up from the bed, but i held her hand.

"Calm down avni, last night you slept here only, i asked you? Remember." i said and her brows scrunched in confusion.

"Oh yeah i remembered." she said when she realized it and took a deep breathe.

Then she came towards me and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Thank god you don't have fever now." she said and i nodded.

"All thanks to you, you took care of me." i said with a smile and she nodded.

"Ok then, i should leave now." she said and left the room.

After she left i also went to get ready for office, as yesterday i wasn't able to go.

I got ready and went downstairs, the sight in front of me brought warmth to my heart. She was in the kitchen preparing food for us. Her hair were tied in a messy bun and few strands were coming on her face. She was humming a song while making food. I quietly entered the kitchen and stood beside her.

"What are you making?" i asked and she jumped from her place

"You scared me." she turned and said me with her hand on her heart, i giggled looking at her scared face.

"Its not funny." she said with a cute angry pout, I just want to kiss that pout.

"Ok, i will not laugh now." i said and raised my hands in defeat.

She huffed and again returned to cooking.

"Btw you didn't told me what are you making." i said and picked an apple from the fruit basket, washed it and started eating it.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon sandwich and apple juice." she replied without looking at me.

"Okay then i am outside, if you need any help call me." i said and she hummed.

I went outside, sat on the dining table and started checking my mails. After sometime she came with the food, placed it on the table and turned to the side of stairs.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" i asked her and she turned towards me.

"No, i am not hungry." she replied 

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