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Hey guys! Finally i am back with the next chapter. I am writing after a long time, so please pardon me if it doesn't reach to your expectations and have some typos. So without wasting your much time, lets jump to the chapter!

QUICK RECAP: Avneet was kidnapped by her uncle and aunt and to save her Siddharth was shot by Avneet's uncle and undergone a surgery, he might have suffered from a permanent spinal cord injury, but fortunately he was saved.



" We have shifted him to the room you all can meet him but one by one, he is still under the effect of sedatives so he might take some time to gain his conscience." The doctor said.

"Okay thanks doctor " bhai replied and he nodded.

"Mom you go first and meet him." Bhai said she nodded and went in.

One by one they all met him and now it was my turn.

" Avneetayy go meet him." Bhai said, but i stood there rooted to my place, not moving and shook my head.

"What are you saying beta, go meet him, don't you want to see him?" mom asked me and i again shook my head.

"No, Mom i can't face him, knowing that he might be perfectly fine if he didn't come infront of me." i said.

"But avneeta..." bhai was saying but i stopped him.

"Please bhai, this time i can't. I can't see him like this, my parents dead bodies lying in front of me are still fresh, i won't be able to see him lying lifeless, i have already lost my everything to death, i can't see him on this hospital bed, even though he is doing fine now, i will see him, but not now, i am not in my right state of mind, i still need time to digest everything, so please." i said in a low voice and they all nodded.

"Okay so you all go home, i'll stay here." bhai said.

"No abhi i'll not go, i'll stay here with my baby." mom said, but i interrupted her

"Mom, bhai is saying right you all are tired, please go home, i'll stay here with bhai." i said

"But beta you are injured, you need rest you should go home, i'll stay here." she said

"Please mom, i'm fine, i'll manage, its already very late, there's no point of all of us staying here, so me and bhai will stay." i said 

"Okay then. I'll send breakfast in the morning." she said while caressing my cheek and i smiled slightly. Then they all left leaving me and bhai behind.

I sat on the bench and closed my eyes and felt bhai sitting beside me. Both of us sat in silence, not saying anything, suddenly doctor came running and entered his room, we immediately stood up and entered after him.

"What happened doctor?" i asked him hurriedly, but he ignored me and started injecting him something.

"Yeah what happened? Is he ok? Why are you so tensed?" bhai also asked him with a tensed voice.

" He was ok and i was checking his vitals, suddenly he started hyperventilating, his vitals also dropped and he flatlined once so i  immediately called the doctor." a sister answered us who was already present there and i went numb. He flatlined!

"No, no nothing will happen to him." i murmured to myself.

I looked at him, the doctor was performing CPR. Siddharth was breathing heavily. I went to him and grabbed his IV connected hand in mine.

"No, siddharth you can't do this to us, you can't leave, i know you can hear me, please don't give up, calm down please, everyone is waiting for you to wake up, you have to wake up." i said to him while tears flowing continuously from my eyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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