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Siddharth pov:

After dropping her i went to my office and started doing my work. I was checking the file when my P.A. came. I hate her the most, she always tries to seduce me and wears revealing clothes i so want to fire her but i can't because she is best in her work, so i have to tolerate her until i don't get a P.A. which is suitable for the post.

She was coming towards me and  pulled her shirt down and bite her lips in order to seduce me, i so want to puke but i was controlling myself. 

"What do you want layla?" i asked in a stern voice

"You" she replied and bit her lips, i slammed the file on the desk making her flinch.

"How many time i have told you that MIND. YOUR. OWN. BUSINESS." i yelled at her.

"Why are you getting angry, if you need something you can tell me, i will give it to you." she said trying to touch me and batting her eyelashes.

I was controlling myself not to raise my hand on her because she is a woman and no matters what

A real man would never hit a woman.

"I don't fucking want anyhting, so leave if you don't have any work." i said in low dangerous tone making her scared and i smirked.

"I came here to tell you that you have only one meeting today." she said in a scared voice.

"Ok." i said. she was going when i spoke.

"And layla if next time i got to see this type of behaviour then it will be your last day here." and she stopped in midtracks.

She turned towards me with wide eyes and fear was evident in her eyes which made me smirk.

"No...  w..will   n..ot  t.that." she said with fear in her tone.

"Try me." i said with a smirk and her jaw touched the ground.

"You are dismissed now." i said and she ran out of my office.

I again sat on my chair and and morning incidents started playing in my mind. I almost kissed her, at that time my senses were not in my control i was just losing myself in her strawberry scent. Thank god aunt came otherwise i would have kissed her. After that when i dropped her in college i don't know why but i couldn't handle that old man disrespecting her and i lashed out my anger on him and i addressed her as my wife when i was not even ready to accept her as my wife.

Damn man that girl is messing with my mind. I don't know what's happening to me but every time she is on my mind. I rubbed my temple and took a sip of coffee to calm my mind.

"Lost in your wife's thought." an annoying voice came and i will kill the owner of this voice if he will speak shits.

"Did you ever heard that we should knock the door before entering." i said in an irritated tone.

"Why? you were doing fun business." he asked with a smirk and i picked the paper weight from my table and threw it towards him and it just crossed from near his eye.

"Woah man, i could have been blind if that thing had hit me." he said

"That was the intention." i said with a smirk.

"Leave all this tell me you were lost in your wife's thought na?" he asked with a smirk.

"No i was not and who the hell told you about my marriage." i said in an annoyed tone

"Ouch i am hurt, i am your best friend and you don't want me to know about your marriage." he said gasping dramatically and placing his hand on his heart.

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