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Siddharth pov:

I was waiting for mom and dada to come down and solve this problem. I am sure that after knowing the truth she will definitely kick her out from our house. I was lost in my thoughts when someone shook me and i saw it was dada.

"Oh finally you came down, so now tell me what should we do with her, did you find any solution" i asked them

They were about to spoke when i interrupted them " Should we handle her to the police or should we make her life hell, that bitch ruined my life she deserves punishment" as i completed my sentence i got a tight slap on my right cheek and i saw it was dada who slapped me. I was shocked never in my whole life dada slapped me even once. He is like a father figure to me, he always protected me but today he slapped me because of that girl. This increased my hatred for her.

" How dare you  to speak like that for her" dada yelled at me.

"Yes sid tell me did i taught you this to ruin a girl life" mom asked me with tears and with a look of shame.

" Today i am feeling ashamed to say that you are my son who is speaking ill about a girl and wants to ruin her without even knowing anything" she yelled.

" I knows everything mom but tell me why are you two behaving like that" i asked them 

"If you know everything than why are you blaming her" dada asked angrily.

"It's her fault dada that roshni ran away" i also yelled in anger.

"IT'S NOT HER FAULT SIDDHARTH NIGAM" dada screamed angrily.

" I don't know what spell that girl casted on you both i don't want any discussion on this topic, I am going to New York for one week due to some business and i want all the mess cleared till i return" i announced and left the house without waiting for their reply.

 I came out of the house and called my pa to keep ready my private jet for me to New York.....

 Back to Nigam mansion

Vibha fell on the sofa placed in the hall with an expression of hurt, shame and guilt, while Abhi was moving his hand in his hairs to calm his anger.

" Where did i lack in raising him abhi that he is talking like that" vib asked abhi in a cracked voice.

" You didn't lacked anywhere mom he is just blinded by anger, when his anger will be calmed he will realize his mistake" he assured to vib.

"I am waiting for that day" she said

" Very soon mom i know my brother, he will realize it". he said with determination in his voice and vib nodded.

Avneet pov:

'SHOCKED'. The word shocked would be an understatement for my condition. I didn't expected that mom and bhai will accept me this much easily. But i am happy about that finally i got someone other than vaishu di who cares about me. 

And by my thoughts i remembered about Vaishu di. I didn't told her about all this disaster, i should told her otherwise she will kill me with her scolding's. Hasshhhh i remembered about her, now lets call her.

 I picked up my phone and saw there were more than 100 missed calls and 200 messages, all were from vaishu di, she must be worried for me that i didn't picked her calls so i quickly dialled her number. She picked up in 3 rings.

"WHAT THE HELL AVU WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORRIED I WAS, I THOUGHT AGAIN THOSE MONSTERS DID SOMETHING TO YOU." she started yelling at me and she called me avu instead of baby sis that's mean she is really angry.

" Di di calm down, i got busy with something that's why i was not able to answer your calls" i tried to calm her

"What calm down huh, can't you just msg me that i am busy, you know i was just getting ready to go to your house and see you if you are ok or not" she yelled. I was in aww that how much she cares for me.

"Nothing to worry about di, i am fine, till now" i whispered the last part, but i guess she heard that.

"What do you mean by 'till now', tell me baby sis i can sense something is wrong, tell me" she told me softly. I sighed and told her everything.

" What the hell!!! those gold diggers got married you with a stranger, oh goshhh this much happened and you didn't  even told me baby" she said last part softly.

" I am sorry di, i was very shocked at that time to understand anything." i heard her sigh.

" So now what baby ?" she whispered softly

" I don't know anything di but his mom and his brother are really nice, you know now i call his brother bhai and he too calls me baby sis like you sometimes" i told her smiling widely.

" Haww you gave this right to someone else" i heard her dramatic gasp

" But di he is really nice i am sure you will like him too when you will meet him"

"Hmm lets see, it depends how he treats you" she said seriously.

" Don't worry about that di"

" Ok baby sis now you take rest you need it. i'll call you later." she said

"Ok bye di" i said and hung up.

After that i laid down and sleep took over me.


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