Playing with fire

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(i recommended listening to the song)
-slight nsfw







"Become what?", you scoffed in disbelief at what you just heard. You were not the type to get easily attached to something or anything so it sounded kind of funny to you.

"I want you all for myself. Listen,I want nobody to touch you or get near you.Only i can manage you and give you anything you want",he whispered in your ear,giving a quick peck.

With your silence, the atmosphere grew a lot intense with his words lingering in the air. He doesn't sound like he was joking or teasing you anymore. The grip on your arm hasn't loosened even a bit either. Now what have you got yourself into??

"What makes you think i can trust you?See, you don't even trust me",you wiggled your arms attempting to pull it out from his grip.

He chuckled a bit before answering and letting go of your hand ,"What do you want me to prove to you? Say anything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.I promise".

"Do you know him?",you glanced at the man you left unconscious in the cabinet few minutes earlier,"Sounds like a gang leader in this area".

"Of course I do. And?"

"Kill him"

"That's all?",he raised his brows.

Whoever this man is,he is absolutely insane.......and you don't dislike it. You don't understand either why you don't run away or strike a move at him when he let go of your hand. You dreaded to be in the same room just a few minutes ago,but now,all you know is that you are curious to know just how much this man in front of you has to offer.

"I'll kill him in exchange for you then",he sighed and extended his metal rod in one whip. He kicked open the door of the cabinet and lift his metal rod in the air.

A sharp metal clinging sound filled the air as he slammed the rod with full force at the man.Faded music from the main room had covered up most of it though.Blood immediately rushed out of the man's head all while he lay unconscious. He again lifted his hand to land another strike.He was clearly enjoying and dead set on what you told him to do. You just stood there witnessing the scene unfold in front of you.

"....even if you run out of options..killing is out of the question"

"Stop!!!",you half-yelled when the voice inside your head knocks in.

The man in braid stopped immediately and turned towards you."Thought so... you're not completely insane as you sound",he leaned forward to get on eye-level with you.

His hand snaked around the back of your head and pulled your face close to his. You could literally feel his breath on your lips.

"Be with me. I will protect you"

"Even if i want to.... I can't ",you directly confront him, staring straight into his eyes,"I already have someone who can do that for me..".... Images of Mitsuya flashed in your mind.

"Huh?Really? Then why are you here?",the man  smirked.

He is easily reading you like an open book.Yes you did came here to drink away your thoughts and get your mind off one person by any means.

"Isn't this what you want?",all of a sudden he pinned you up the wall and grabbed your hands together above your head.

"W-what are you doing?",you flinched when you feel him take one long lick at the nape of your neck.

You were internally shivering at the touch of his warm muscle.You hated to admit it but it felt too damn good. You were not usually this weak but this man knew exactly what he was doing. It was almost scary how he induced skinship which is too good to hate .He threw away the metal rod he was holding in his free hand and grabbed the collar of your jacket..

"Bite it"

He tucked the collar into your mouth and even you were surprised at how easily you give in. He could dominate you any second and yet this man offered to live by your words?

He snaked his hands around your bare belly which was left uncovered by your shirt, breathing heavily around your neck.

You feel yourself running short of breath the more you feel his warmth...your heart....was beating way too fast. Upto this day, upto this moment,you had thought no other man could make you feel like this...

"Does your heart also beat this fast when that man touches you?",he sucked on your neck, intentionally leaving a mark.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse,he latched his palm on your thigh, tracing through the net.

"Hmpf..",you almost let go of your jacket from your mouth as his hands moved up your inner thigh,groping it.

"This is just the beginning... think about how good i could make you feel when i work these hands around here.....",his hand trailed up further-

"Nii-san,you in there?",a voice along with a knock on the door stopped his hand. The deep tone sounded familiar.

"Yes,what is it?",he replied to the man behind the door while his gaze remained fixed on you.

"Shall we leave? I'm getting bored", the other voice chimed in.

"I'll be out in minute, go enjoy the rest",he ordered as the other male obeyed,his footsteps trailing away from the door.

"Three days. Give me three days and the rest is up to you",the man in front of you suggested as his thumb traced over your bottom lip.

Isn't this what you came for? Isn't this what you want when you saw Mitsuya with that girl? If he is,then you too wanna live your life in your own will without caring much about people you love too!!! Everyone only cared for themselves and you don't find any reason why you shouldn't chase your own satisfaction. You were playing with fire and you're completely aware of it.

"I'll meet you at the back gate,Onii-chan~",you teased and smirked,licking his thumb which rested on your bottom lip.

"You're such a pain the ass",he sighed ,"Well go on. It's my name you'll be screaming at the end of the night anyways",he leaned closer.

"..'Ran' is the only word you'll remember when i get a hold of you,kitten~",he smashed his lips on yours.

"Tell your friend someone is waiting for her at the front gate to drop her off since you,my dear..",he smiled at you,"Will be coming home with me", he fixed his gloves and went out of the bathroom.

Cock-blocker Rindo here tho😗
Lemons in the next chapter 🍋
Also,i find pet names a very 'Ran' thing to do so i let him be🌚
This a reminder to vote~
Thank you~

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