Convoluted Question

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The increased illumination of the room through the window woke you up,tearing you apart from  the deep slumber you fell into under Rin's embrace. The moment you managed to grasp consciousness, the sharp pain along your back and lower regions immediately kicked in. You were kinda expecting this since Rin was as close to insatiable last night,but feeling it in reality was a whole other level of terrible. Three more rounds and one again while hitting the shower knocked you out completely!!

You swiftly removed Rin's arms around you and struggled to sit up against the headboard, adjusting Rin's head on top of your lap. Fondly,you began to travel your hands through his purple locks, thinking how happy you've recently been all thanks to him.

Despite not remembering details besides what he noted down,he was exceedingly patient with you and showered you with love. There's no doubt about his feelings and thoughts towards you - his actions gave away all the answers.

Proven in your eyes, perceived by your heart,yet it somehow feels uncanny.

Why does it feel like there's something missing? What is this odd feeling of longing even if he was right there in front of you? A ray of light managed to shine through the slightest crack of your heart Rin fully enveloped with love - that's how it felt. The ray of light was barely visible but it proved to be existent somehow,leaving you empty where it shone through.

"Tell me I'm just being delusional.."




*Rindou's POV*

The foreign sensation of my hair being touched woke me up from my trance. I was never a fan of letting my hair being touched but in this moment,the room with faint scents of sex and the warmth i felt around me - I knew who exactly who was with me. I now oddly love the feeling of her hands..and I even love her more.

However,the moment i opened my eyes briefly to see what expression she beared along with these warm affections,a wave of mixed emotions rushed through me.

She looked somehow..hurt?

I was quick to grab her hand and hold it into mine,filled with the thought that she might disappear into thin air if i don't hold onto her.

What was that expression?

"Huh? You're awake?",a light headed voice rang contrarily to what i saw.

"Mmm..",i coarsely groaned and nuzzled my face deeper into her lap.

I was further greeted by a chuckle,"Good morning!"

"Morning",i lifted my head to take a good look at her face again.

That expression had changed to her usual bright composure again.

"Is there something troubling you?",i suddenly posed out of concern.

"Huhh?",she was also taken aback,"Why'd you ask? Nothing's wrong"


"Just want to make sure that you're okay.."

She flashed a smile on my response and sunk down into my arms again. Though i was still left uneasy about the first thing i noticed about her today,the fact that she's here in my arms was a little easing for my troubled heart.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now