Unpromising Promises

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*Ran's POV*

"I won't let that happen Y/n..",i repeatedly assured her on call after her encounter with Nana yesterday.

I don't know exactly what she had told her but Y/n is anything but calm after that. It too would be a lie if i say that i am not concerned about Rindou's thoughtless decision. He knew it better than anybody the consequences he had to face if ever he slipped up yet he still did.

"I will try my best to convince Rindou but i can't say that he will listen",she sighed as she spoke,"Is there something you can do on your side?"

I knew it right then and there that my efforts will end in vain even if i take action. But to hear her beg me so desperately,I wont dare say no to her,"I will try my best okay?"

I ended the call after i followed up with assurance which does little to calm her down. Given the situation,i could empathize with Y/n about how it must've bothered her as there were chances of the past being brought forth once again leading to loss of loved ones - and that was the least i want to happen this time around.



"Come in"

I heard Sanzu respond instead of Mikey as i knocked on his door. Nonetheless,i entered to be greeted with Mikey with an indescribable expression staring straight at me with Sanzu beside me. What caught me most off guard was the sight of Nana inside the room as well.

"I want to discuss someth-"

"If it's about Rindou then i am not changing orders unless he pulls back the letter",a cold reply came from Mikey.

It felt like i lost even before I got started.

"I don't need a person who could betray Bonten alive. I hope I'm clear",Mikey sounded like he had no intentions to even think twice.

I cleared my throat and attempted to try for the sake of both Rindou and Y/n,"Can't you give him another chance for old times sake?"

"I don't think Rindou falls into the likes of a snitch. He'd be dead silent wherever he may end up..",Sanzu followed my words, joining my attempts to let Mikey slide just this once.

"Oh?",Mikey's expression turned even darker after hearing us out,"Perhaps you want to join him?"

Sanzu and I were silenced immediately upon hearing such an unwelcoming offer. Mikey has always been the last person I'd like to negotiate with because of how thick-skulled he can be and he proves my point right with this conversation.

"Can i suggest one thing boss?",Nana was the first to break the silence in the room.

"Can you shut the fuck up?",Sanzu yelled at her as i followed up with a disapproving gaze. It was not a place for her to be and neither was it a place she can even open her mouth.

Mikey remained quiet for a while,"Go on. Just this once"

The fact that Mikey even gave up a chance to listen to her was indicative of the fact that he was very disappointed with Rindou and the two of us who decided to involve ourselves in his decision. Things wouldn't have escalated this far if it was anyone but Nana whom Mikey had to order around.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now