Queer Desire

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"Here we are!!",Ran pulled up around an old park after driving for a while.

The two of you grabbed lunch together at a fancy restaurant earlier and it seemed like he had something else planned as well.

You stepped out of the car as he opened the door for you.

"A park?", you raised your brows.

He nodded and flashed a soft smile,"This park has something to do with our connection, though i didn't note it down.."

That's right. There wasn't any mention of a park or something of that sort. Plus,he took the diary home along with him last night with the excuse of re-reading what he had noted down and think about what details he left out. It looked like he brought you here to remind you a small detail that he left out.

"The diary says we first met at a club,right?",he intertwined both your hands again as he led the way to the swing,"But we met before then.."

"Really? So you mean.."

"Yes. We first met here. You and me. At our fourteenth"

Your mouth hang in awe as you studied the park. How many years has passed since then? You wished you could remember those details and laugh about it with him right now. If only fate hadn't decided to be a bitch!!

"Come and sit here",he offered one of the swings to you.

You complied instantly,getting on the swing while he pushed you gently from behind. Life with him is just so peaceful that you wonder how you could leave this ball of love behind.

"So..",you started,"How'd we meet?"

"It's kinda funny..", you could hear him softly chuckling,"I was beaten up by big dudes from this area pretty bad and slumped against these hard cold grounds until it gets dark. I was just planning to sleep there for the night. I feel weak like shit and want to die there if possible. But then this girl appeared out of nowhere and called out to me.."

"Oh~ So what did she say?"

"She offered to beat me up even more!"

"HUH?",you instantly halted and turned your head to check his expression if he was serious about that or not - and he did look serious.

"You really did though..",his unwavering eyes stared down at you with a soft smile,"I guess it was because you hated seeing a guy who can't even stand up for himself,who slumber into despair easily"


He ruffled your hair and continued to rock you forward again,"Of course you helped me nonetheless and applied the medical kits your bought for someone all for me. It must've hurt like hell but all i could remember from the moment was the sight of your beautiful face right in front of me!"

Your cheeks flush red at his words for the second time of the day. He was direct and upfront with his feelings and one could easily tell how much he meant each word that came out of his mouth.

"I love you since then..",his hands stopped rocking the swing.


"Y/n..",he stepped forward in front of you and get on one knee to face you clearly,"I still love you like back then. All these years will never change what i feel for you,they will never!!"

One of your hands slowly come up to caress his cheeks.

"So stay with me..",he nuzzled his face into your hands,"I don't want to live a life where you are not there anymore. Don't drive me to ruins again. Please..love me too"

Why is he begging so desperately for your love as if he had never received it? You did loved him in the past right? Then why is he begging so much to the point where it breaks your heart?

"I..love you too",you admitted, gathering the courage to lovingly stare at him back into the eyes.

A hint of joy spread across his lips and eyes at your words as if he had waited for this moment his whole life. The lingering feelings and sensations of the past which seemed to be carved somewhere deep inside you slowly unveiled and filled you with a rush of emotions.

"I love you more..",he proclaimed once again and slowly leaned in,pulling you closer as well with the hand that traveled at the back of your head.

Your lips connected again with much more emotions this time. The warmth of his lips and his scent that slowly seeps into you only added more to the wave of rushing emotions.

Soon,you feel him lick your lower lip,asking for entrance. Just as you were about to grant him permission,you were interrupted by the ringing of your phone.

"Let me quickly get this..",you mumbled against his lips and checked to see who had called in such a moment.

"Dad?",you picked up the call.

"Oh,Y/n!!",his voice instantly rang back through the line,"You're still out huh?"

"Yeah. Is there something wrong?"

"No. Nothing at all. It's just that..",he seemed to hesitate a bit,"I met a friend of mine and asked if i mind to grab dinner and stay the night so he can help me out with the job offers tomorrow.."

You smiled at his hesitation to such a worthless topic,"It's okay. I am not a child you know..i can take care of myself for a night!!"

"You sure you're fine with that?",his trust issues slowly crept in,"I can always come hom-"

"Dad!! I'll be fine",you sternly clarified again, "Just go and live a little life hmm?"

You could hear him chuckle at the other end of the line,"Fine,fine!! Eat well,sleep well then~"

Humming in agreement,you cut off the call.

"Did something happen to your Dad?",Ran quickly butt in.

"Not at all",you waved him off,"Looks like he'll be out a friend's tonight. That's all",you slid your phone back into your bag again.

"Y/n!!",Ran swiftly took your hands into his to grab all your attention on him.

Wait. Is he blushing right now?

There was a visible tint of red in his cheeks.

"Then do mind...",you could feel him play with your fingers,"Coming to my place tonight?"

Oh,so that is why he's blushing??

With his guard down,you felt like teasing him a bit to get a new reaction out of him,"To do what?"

His eyes briefly widened at your rather bold response but seemed to love it nonetheless as a smirk spread across his lips,"Whatever you want-dinner,drinks, movies.."

"..or..",he continued,his hands playing with the strands of your hair,his gaze firmly locked on you,"We can continue from where we left off last night.."

Loving the bold side of him unleash,you too were filled with some newfound hunger and the  queer desire to see him atypically to his usual self.

"I'd like the last one..",you licked your lips as your thumb traced along his lower lips.

"Your wish is my command~",a wide grin spread across his lips followed by a quick peck on your thumb against his lips.

Now that's a sneak peek of your surprise🤏🌚
Get your spare panties for the next chapter🩲
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(I'm here throwing away bits and bits of my sanity to feed y'all the lemons you've been deprived of😌🙏)

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