Remarkable Felicity

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*Eri's POV*

I could read Y/n's troubled expression on being decepted from the people around her. Should i really be spilling all those that kept from her because of certain reasons? After all,part of me believes that she will realise it sooner or later some way somehow. Well,she asked me to spill anyways and i am the only one who knew what happened behind doors more than anyone.

What those monster brothers did was too big of an incident to he kept forever..

"But Y/n-cha-"

"Save it for later!"

I myself was taken aback by the sudden bluntness in her hurting state, reminding me of the past when she was horribly blunt to me too.

"Eri",she fixated her attention to me again, "Continue!!"

Very well then~

"I don't know much about Rin except that he was merciless enough to directly exhort his brother to kill me because of you"

There was nothing but disappointment and distress in her eyes,"He did?"

"He did!! But Ran.."


The rope tightly wrapped around my wrists and my ankles to the chair,the cloth around my mouth does little to bring out the muffled call of help i was screaming out as i watched another girl struggling for help in front of me. The pain of the damage on my skin slowly kicking in on the worst possible moment as well!!

"You should've known better to act wisely,right Nana?",Ran cooed as he hunkered down, forcing the girl covered in blood to meet his eyes.

"What shall i do with them,Rindou? Here goes another one of your three requests!!"

I quickly set eyes on the man who holds our fate with hope. However,those two sweet seconds of the hope that filled me instantly vanished into thin air the moment he opened his mouth,"Kill them"

",Rindou!! I'm s-sorry!! Please.. don't",the cries of the girl scared me out more than i already was. I crossed my heart and just prayed that he don't listen to his brother!

"So noisy..",Rindou sighed mindlessly despite her cries and made his way towards the door,"I don't care whatever happens to them. Cut their flesh,break their limbs or whatever until they regret what they did. I'll be waiting outside. I fucking hate hearing them cry!"

My thoughts began to wander and i can't help but carve hatred of all the source of this madness - Y/n - into my heart that day.

The moment i switched my gaze back to Ran,I felt numb from all the fear creeping into me on a rush - he was aiming a switchblade at Nana!!

"RAN!! Don't do this!!",she begged again like she did with the other brother,"I helped you too!! I helped you seek out Rindou's intentions r-right?You didn't forget that,did you?? S-so please spare my life..i beg you. I'll never touch Y/n again!!"

The tears streaming down her face trickled across the splash of blood that covered her face as she begged for her life. Is that..what awaits for me too??!!

Ran seemed to think about it for a minute and suddenly hummed happily as he traced the tip of the blade along her jaw,"Yeah right? It would be a waste to kill you so soon.."

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now