Remedy to Malady

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You entered into the room, hesitating at one hand and excited on the other. You stumbled upon a thrill of emotions of which you don't even know how to express with your face or your body. However, your legs walked deeper into the room until you looked up while you hold your breath to finally get a glimpse of the long awaited encounter - A tall and thin silhouette welcomes you, a clean cut purpled hair leaning on the desk as purple gaze fixated on yours...

"It's been a while Y/n.."

A wave of heaviness took you over of all your emotions as your body was perfectly sure of how the tall figure in front of you messed you up and how let you often cross the thin line of sanity and insanity according to his will.
He was the first to take a step towards you as you remained frozen at the same spot as you were, unable to move. All the memories from those 12 years unfolded right in front of your eyes - the pain,the pleasure,the best and the worst.

"You're still as beautiful as you were back then. Even more beautiful I'd say", Ran stretched a short smile as he extended his hand towards you.

You looked down at his hand, the slender and thin fingers that once held you dearly - do you still expect the same now?

"I'm not gonna bite..",he lightly assured on seeing you hesitant.

It suddenly struck you that you've been staring at his hand which he extended a couple of minutes ago.

" Sorry about that",you lips lightly curved, extending your arm to meet his, "I was lost in thoughts".

He tightened his grip on you hand,holding it as if you'd slip out of his sight if he held any lighter. Your eyes gazed into the opposite purple eyes - purple tender eyes that stared at you like no other had. It was intense but loving, sly but promising,deadly but mesmerizing.

'You ... not ... Y/n!! .... is not lov..!! You..just attached!! Deranged attachment!!'

Faint mumbles echoed in your mind sharply, shaking the box of lost memories locked in your mind. You quickly removed your gaze and hand off from Ran as if it was a reflex from the flashback.

His eyes and touch alone were able to elicit these responses from you within seconds. You could tell without a doubt..

Ran Haitani. You are no ordinary man.

"Oh! I scared you?", he regained some distance from you on seeing your response.

You too take a quick breath and regained your composure, refusing to show any signs of what just happened within you," No,it's fine. I'm okay. It just felt different seeing you in person than in your writings".

He seemed to chuckle but with a touch of salt in it,"So you've been doing your homework too?, he made a turn and gestured you to follow him towards the couch in the room,"I've been doing it regularly too. You wanna exchange answers?"

His demeanor darkened from the moment you entered the room. His eyes showed it so. Not wanting to be visibly taken aback by him, you joined him on the couch watching him pour a glass of wine for the two of you.

"Have you got all the answers by now?",he continued from where he left off.

" I've done my fair share",you just shortly replied, "Up until it reached the chapter that involves my mom",you were able to put it just as emotionless as him though you felt heavy at the mention of her.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now