Perilous Obsession

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-minor violence alert







"Looking for this?"

You jerked up when you heard Ran's voice.

He was leaning on the door with the ticket,the visa and passport in his hands.

The absence of expression on his face made you uneasy enough to remain quiet.

What happened?

"Are you trying to leave me?",he then propounded.

"Huh?? What do yo-"

Forcefully,he pushed you down into the bed and straddle your form,pinning both your hands above you with one of his hand.

"Tell me~",he grinned,going through his pocket with the other to hand out a folding knife,snapping it up towards you.

He then slowly traced along your jaw line and stopped at your chin,"Are you trying to leave with Rindou??"

You fervently shook your head as a response, afraid to say something wrong or make a wrong move. If there comes a time when you shouldn't provoke him,it is now!!

"I thought so too..",he smiled and leaned forward closer to you.

However,he instantly stopped smiling the closer he got and glared at you straight into the eyes.

"Then why is it there?"

"It is for me",you admitted,"B-but i swear it's not because i want to leave you or anything.."

"More details please~"

"It's from my Dad",you mumbled.

His brows twitched when he heard the mention of your Dad. You had never disclosed any information about him and neither do Ran ask much about it. He only knew your Mom and Mitsuya as for your relatives and 'Dad' was a new topic to him.

"He left the tickets with Mom but he's in America",you further disclosed, responding to his confused silence..

"He wants me with him.."

He grinned widely and retract the knife away from your face.

You were about to exhale a sigh of relief as he looked like he was about to flung it behind him.

Instead,he pierced deep into the mattress only inches away from your face.

You body instantly froze in fear.

It was as if your mind was awake yet your body was numb. You didn't dare move a muscle as you stare back at him in the eyes..


Why does he always look at you with those eyes lately??

Your mind reminisced back to the night he opened up to you,the night he vowed to protect you forever and the smile on his face when he wished how things would remain as happy as always with you,Rindou and him.

It was as if things changed within a blink.

The man above you was no longer the Ran you love. He was not the man you limped forward for while being hurt till Shibuya station. He was not the man you left everyone for.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now