Forlorn Romanticism

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"..but never 'I love you more'"

Pin drop silence followed as you stood corrected in front of him. You've always known that it was different but it hadn't crossed your mind to compare the intensity of feelings in their own different ways. It was only at that moment that you realised - Ran weighs the scale more than Rindou.

However,you have become accustomed to the forlorn romanticism with Ran. You were doing fine without his company and contrariwise. And with such redundant affiliation,you had believed that it would have worked out with Rindou despite the odds.

"So I've made up my mind - either i have you or no one else will. That way there won't be another option to love 'more' or 'differently' ",he abruptly declared.

He sounded dead set at his plans even though he must've known that it would cost his life. Is it love or insanity at this point? He is willing to take the 1 percent chance to live a life without you and ignored the rest 99 that included his life.

You could empathize with him to some extent as you too,would like to have an unexceptional life with him,if ever there was a chance,free from all these rumors,crimes and violence. Anyhow, given the current situation,those pipe dreams were far beyond.

"I understand..",you just mumbled after a couple of thoughts.

He was not too convinced by your sudden change in decision but had no choice but to believe it for now. Both of you were holding onto a thin string of hope with disparate motives while at the same time were necessarily chained together by inexorable feelings.

"Pack up while i call for my jet okay?",he placed a quick kiss on your forehead before heading out of the room.

Your hands were quick to find your phone the second he left the room. You and your futile efforts alone couldn't get through to him and the ultimate resolution to this tangled situation could be him.

You then sent a text-

We'll be on our way to his house soon.

You had hoped to get at least some good news or a wider range of options from his negotiation with Mikey. Though you hadn't been able to talk to him again you sent the text anyway so he might as well act accordingly when he saw it.



"Ready?",Rindou entered once again after a while to check on you.

You were done packing by now and was in the middle of writing a note for your Dad who would probably come home to an empty house if ever things didn't go accordingly.

'Don't worry Dad. I'll only be gone for a while'

"I'll take your bags to the car",he was the first to leave with your bags.

You laid down the note at your Dad's table,taking one more glimpse of the room and pictured him in his usual routines in case you won't make it back to him someday. Realizing that your emotions were going to get the best of you,you decided to leave the room to head towards the car.

Just before you could step out of  your house ,a reply came right in time-

On my way.

Queen of Hearts//Haitani Brothers x Reader(Toxic)Where stories live. Discover now